Announcing “Advanced Laravel Excel” video course

Patrick Brouwers
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2019

Ever struggled with yet another Excel import or export? So have we, plenty of times. Dealing with Excel can be overwhelming sometimes. We spent a lot of time figuring this stuff out and a lot of our experience ended up in our Laravel Excel package over the past 5 years. With 10M+ downloads, it became one of the most popular packages in the Laravel Community.

Lately, we have been getting a lot of request for a video course about dealing with Excel in Laravel. Especially evolving around more complex, real-life situations that go beyond the documentation.

What will this course contain?

In this video course we’ll build a small application with real-life, complex imports and exports that go beyond simple user imports and exports. We’ll go step-by-step and tackle implementing Laravel Excel in a performant way.

We’ll cover fundamentals like:

  • Creating exports from Blade views
  • Writing simple imports and exports
  • Organizing your imports and exports
  • Formatting numbers, money and dates

As well as complex situations:

  • Working with charts and formulas
  • Using notifications and attachments
  • Generating periodic reports in Excel
  • Working with import and export iterators
  • Database denormalization & materialization
  • Ensuring performance through chunks and batch inserts
  • And more…

Read more about the course on our dedicated course landing page: If you sign up now, you’ll get notified when the course launches and get it for the early bird price of $69 instead of $99.

Besides the video course, you can still request commercial support on Laravel Excel. At Maatwebsite, we are there to help you on a commercial basis. You can find the possibilities at:



Patrick Brouwers

Loves building awesome things in Laravel, VueJS and TailwindCss. Working @ Spartner. Maintainer of Laravel Excel.