Telling The Truth Through Spatial Data

Nuringtyas Yogi Jurnawan
Spatial Alerts
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2019


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Spatial data is a piece of absolute information which always be started with typical question such as ‘where’ to whom that might concern on the issues. Through spatial data, we can certainly legitimize the evidence of the data wherever on this earth by locating its coordinate and projection. Nowadays, technology provided us with the ability to asses, interprete, delineate, and create any kind of spatial data accesible through remote sensing, GIS, GPS, web data visualization, and so many others. Many objects have been collected and classified, but somehow they have not been use that enough to support our environmental sustainability. Environmental problems have more complexities years to years because large amount of human population tend to give negative impacts for our ‘home’, but it’s not only about the impact, but also human habit also should be taken account for consideration.

Spatial data which contains location information will lead us to be more aware with our own environmental complexities such as natural resources, regional planning, environmental pollution, or even recently our private data. Apparently, our personal private data have been recorded illegally by several tech industries such as Google, Facebook, and some market places. In my point of view, spatial data will play a significant role in the next decade because of its accuracy and legitimacy of the data itself. Furthermore, mining result of the spatial data will enrich us such an extraordinary benefits to our institution or organization which able to process those data.

Indonesian’s Government is still trying to initiate ‘One Map Policy’ which is led by Ministry of Economic Coordinator and involve several national institutions such as Ministry of Public Work, Indonesian Geospatial Agency, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Spatial Planning and also endorse by Anti-Corruption Commission and Think-Tank Organization such as World Resource Institute. The main agenda of One Map Initiative is to build a single spatial database that can be used by every institution from local to national level. Meanwhile, as far as we know, today each of our government institution has their own data that still has any possibility be overlapped into one another ! Unsurprisingly, because among those institutions still assume that they stand for different interests and policy-making, even though the reality tell us that they only make our bureaucracy to be more complicated. One thing that can be a big obstacle in spatial data integration is not about less updated technology or lack of talented human resources, but also power structure in every institution has taken for granted into this unsolved terms.In fact, this whole next to a single database can be revealed the authority of land use that can disturb of many corporations and mafia interest all this time.

Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK) involvement is not without a reason, for a long time we have been struggling to reduce agrarian conflict. However, some parties with bigger power and capital always win without any consideration regardless who really has the right. KPK indicates that there are many corruption evidence if we can reveal our truly land authorities. On the other side, many Non-Government Organizations and environmental activist are trying to provide any kind of spatial data into public space through Global Forest Watch platform, they also insist some ministries to open any kind of spatial data and support public transparency. Land authorization that are mostly owned by elite seems to be a hot issue in presidential debate several weeks ago. Accordingly, in my another point of view One Map Initiative can be a better troubleshooter in our chaotic land management.

In conclusion, if the One Map Initiative can produce a good single spatial database, our later homework is to audit every spatial planning or land authorization document for supporting anti-corruption movement and environmental justice. That crucial issue might not give any significant impact on our economic circumstances or even our GDP. However, we are getting closer to the inclusivity and sustainability. Rethinking spatial planning and environmental management would never be an easy job, but if we never give a try, then who else might do?

