A Helping Hand from AI for your mapping and GIS analysis

Can ChatGPT help you get geodata and do GIS Analysis?

Spatial Data Science


Photo by DeepMind on Unsplash

ChatGPT has been the most talked about AI tool since its release. It has been tested for different use cases and applications. In mapping and GIS, people have tried to use it for composing GIS poems, generating GIS humour or even writing basic GIS code.

This article will test the AI system to generate a working code for a simple GIS problem. Let us say we want to get addresses of Stadiums in London, put them into a data frame, use Geopandas to geocode the addresses, create a Geodataframe and Produce a map using the Folium Library.

I will be using Notion AI since I am currently in a country not supported by OpenAIs ChatGPT. You can run my trails in ChatGPT however if you have access to it.

Getting Data With AI

First, I have tried to see if Notion AI can fetch the data. You need to write the instructions. In a simple English, I have asked:

Get all London stadium addresses and put them into a table



Spatial Data Science

Writing about Geospatial Data Science, AI, ML, DL, Python, SQL, GIS | Top writer | 1m views.