Build and Deploy Full Web applications Quickly with Python

Less Code and One-Click Deployment with Streamlit

Spatial Data Science
5 min readNov 11, 2020


Streamlit Python — Image created by the Author with Canva

As a Data scientist, cleaning and preprocessing data to gain insights or feed it to a machine learning model is a long and tedious task. I considered creating applications and web interfaces as a secondary task until Streamlit came along.

Should you learn and use Frontend, Backend!, Django, Flask, Heroku or another web framework. No, all you need is Streamlit. Focus on what matters most and enjoy creating data science applications with Streamlit.

In this tutorial, I will go through how to create and deploy a useful application using only Python and Streamlit. We will build a Geocoding web application from scratch using Python Open Source tools.

The exciting part is deploying your application from Github repository with one-click using Streamlit Sharing. So, let us start coding.

Building the Application

We first import the libraries for this project — Pandas & Geopandas for data processing, Plotly Express for data visualisation and streamlit for building the application.

import time
import base64
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd



Spatial Data Science

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