Data Visualization in Python Got an Upgrade with the New Holoviz Tools update

Hvplot's Automatic EDA and Panel on the browser without a server

Spatial Data Science


Photo by Bilal Mansuri on Unsplash

Over the past two weeks, there were two new releases with two Holoviz data visualization tools: Hvplot and Panel. You should check if you have not used either of these beautiful Holoviz-maintained libraries.

HoloViz provides a set of Python packages that make viz easier, more accurate, and more powerful: Panel for making apps and dashboards for your plots from any supported plotting library, hvPlot to quickly generate interactive plots from your data,GeoViews to extend HoloViews for geographic data. — Holoviz.

Two new updates excited me the most in these releases, and in this article, I highlight these updates and what they can offer you in terms of data visualization in Python.

Automatic Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with HvPlot

The new hvPlot 0.8 release includes several exciting features, including the support of Matplotlib and Plotly backends and the .interactive() pipelines can now start with functions as inputs to make fully self-contained data apps using hvPlot.



Spatial Data Science

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