Geospatial Data Science Projects

What kind of Geospatial Data Scientist are You?

Spatial Data Science


You are a GIS practitioner? You have taken courses. Maybe you learned the basics of the programming language. Now, What is next?

What do you do to get a job or an internship as a Geospatial Data Scientist?

You can either swim in the tutorial/course trap, stay in your comfort zone and keep that loop forever. Or either jump into the real world and improve your skills with real-world projects.

Doing projects is the best way to learn, showcase your skills, and at the same time differentiate yourself from other competitors.

Getting geospatial data science jobs requires a lot of skills and might seem intimidating at first. However, it does not need to be that way. If you take your time and create meaningful projects, you can have a good portfolio that puts you at the front door of your next dream job.

Keep in mind you do not need to know all the cool new stuff and fulfill all job requirements to land a job as a geospatial data scientist.

The secret is to pick up a niche, learn the required skills, and create your projects.

Which type of Geospatial Data Scientist are you?



Spatial Data Science

Writing about Geospatial Data Science, AI, ML, DL, Python, SQL, GIS | Top writer | 1m views.