Leafmap a new Python Package for Geospatial data science

A new Library for Interactive geospatial data visualization + Geospatial data analysis (both Vector & Raster data)

Spatial Data Science



Do you want to combine the ability to use both Vector and Raster data in Python using one Package? Have you thought about creating interactive geospatial data visualization with few lines of code? or maybe even wanted to be able to use low code GUI for exploring your geospatial data in Jupyter Notebook?

Then Leafmap is a powerful new addition to your geospatial data science arsenal.

In this post, we look at Leafmap, what it is, its features, and code examples to illustrate some of its functionality. I will highlight first some key features with code examples and at the end, I will point out some cool features you can try yourself.


Leafmap is an amalgamation of some of the most widely used data science frameworks and geospatial packages. It is tempting to label this new package as a Geospatial data visualization package, but it offers much more than that.

You can use the Jupyter notebook/Colab to have interactive geospatial data visualization using Leaflet library under the hood…



Spatial Data Science

Writing about Geospatial Data Science, AI, ML, DL, Python, SQL, GIS | Top writer | 1m views.