Unfolded Studio: Vector and Raster Data Visualization on the Browser

Geospatial Big Data Visualization with Unfolded

Spatial Data Science
3 min readFeb 22, 2021


Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

I have been keeping a close eye on Unfolded Studio since its launch, and so far, there is fantastic stuff out of the box for Geospatial big data visualization right in the browser.

If you have used Kepler GL for your data visualization, the new Unfolded Studio application feels home. The same creators of the Kepler GL have delivered this beautiful data visualization tool.

The difference between the two tools is summarized in the FAQ here:

Unfolded Studio is a comprehensive SaaS tool that extends kepler.gl with many new features such as secure cloud storage, an advanced analytics backend, a data catalog, geospatial unification, developer SDKs and much more. By contrast, kepler.gl is a serverless web application mainly designed for quick geospatial data exploration. kepler.gl is part of the “Open Core” of Unfolded Studio and Unfolded is the leading contributor to kepler.gl. — https://www.unfolded.ai/studio

Unfolded serves in a broad range of data visualization, including spatial, temporal analysis with cloud storage and backend. It has a community version where you can use with 1 GB secure storage and limited map publishing.



Spatial Data Science

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