Your Product Is Time And Space.

Adrian Blackwood
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2022

A radical re-think of our relationship with time and space, and how your SaaS, platform, enterprise, or service product will benefit.

The Future Of Time Is Distributed & The Internet Knows Everything About You

The XR Digital Real-Space Continuum

Let’s Rethink Your Business Model (And The First Thing To Focus On Is Time & Space)

The XR Digital Real-Space Continuum — that’s a mouthful, but it’s also the framework on which our new worldview of time and space is based. In this article, I’ll be discussing why now is the right moment to launch your ‘time-based’ SaaS, Platform, Enterprise or even your service product.

So, in case you haven’t noticed, augmented reality is everywhere right now.

Something strange is happening. The world of distance, time and space is changing. Four device-defining shifts are bringing this about. These shifts have profound implications for every person, business, organization and society, across all industries and geographies.

2D to 3D is next big shift in content.

A profound conceptual shift has occurred in the last decade. We live in a digital-real space continuum where human memory, experience, and interaction can be digitized. It is an epochal change in how we record, access, and share information; process trade transactions; create and bring life to new social products, services and apps; and communicate with each other. The implications of this momentous change should not be underestimated by organizations as they face disruption in every sector, every industry.

From the dawn of humanity until the late 20th century, humans lived in the age of real-space. This meant that any interaction between people was carried out in real time or at least in real-space proximity.

In the 21st century, we are entering an age of digital real-space where we can interact with each other across different locations and time zones. We are also able to interact with other people’s digital content — in real time — whether it’s a video call across continents or simply sending a message via Slack.

The XR Digital Real-Space Continuum takes this idea further by creating a new continuum for our digital interactions that extends beyond what is currently possible today: from real-time (instant) to near-real time (sub-second), from near real time to on demand (sub-minute), from on demand (sub-minute) to as close as possible to real time (no more than 30 seconds).

Spatial is the new Meta.

Consequently, this article is a glimpse into what’s to come… but more importantly, why it’s coming, who is driving the transition into this new era, and what impact this ‘digital real-space continuum’ will have on your users.

That changed when we started doing things like inventing calendars to track time better. And then clocks so that we could keep track of time even when we weren’t there (like in meetings). Then watches so that we knew exactly when to be somewhere at exactly what time.

And finally smartphones so that we could check calendars on the go and get notifications throughout the day about what was happening later on — even if we weren’t there yet!

Why should you care?

Spatial Reality is coming whether you like it or not — and when it arrives, it’s going to be bigger than the internet (bigger than the digital world), so you might as well start to understand how it works.

Moving Foward…in time.

In his 1936 classic short story “By His Bootstraps”, sci-fi author Robert A. Heinlein asks the question, what would happen if you could literally keep travelling forward in time? Think about that for a moment…and then consider this: What happens when you have a service that customers never have to leave and are always connected regardless of their location or device?

Lets take this one step further still with Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR) and other technologies like 5G mobile networks that are going mainstream now for consumers as well as enterprise users worldwide.

Soon enough, we’ll have a time machine in our handsets and headsets.



Adrian Blackwood

Adrian explores the future of reality through four exciting areas: Applied Ai, Spatial Reality, health-tech, and Ambient Intelligence.