Sunshine and Rainbows

Spatika Narayanan
Quarter-Life Crisis
5 min readDec 24, 2013


Because I’m in a Christmassy mood, here is my list of New Year’s Resolutions/Advice For Sad People. I haven’t actually tried all these little nuggets of happy yet. In fact, I’m probably the last person who should be preaching about being all rainbows and sunshine.

But hey, maybe writing about it will actually get me somewhere on my own self-actualization journey. Maybe it will really help these things to sink in. All my issues from the past few months — I’m chalking up to a bad year in general. Here’s to hoping 2014 can be easier done than said!

Before 13 Things Mentally Strong People Do Do, here are 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, which inspired my Christmassy mood.

Now, onward!

1. Live in the present

Take one day at a time. Life is short. Don’t waste time mulling over the past, or worrying about the future.

Slurrrp! =P

2. Be patient

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet”. Couldn’t have said it better myself, Aristotle.

3. Be confident

A personal favorite of mine, Eleanor Roosevelt’s “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”. Another one of those ‘easier said than done’ situations, here. Especially for those of us who straddle the line between being ‘anti-social’ and ‘introverted’. No real advice I can offer here, except that I know for a fact that being confident can change your life for EVA. I seen it happenin’, mon. Aaaanywhooo, if confidence doesn’t come naturally to you, try to fake it. My OCD protests loudly against faking things, but you just gotta try! Maybe in time, what started out as fake will become second nature!

4. Take lots of breaks

That one thing we all would’ve used to get out of chores growing up, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Nothing could be truer. Again, if I’m in the middle of something really important, my OCD protests at being pulled out of it. But sometimes you need to force yourself to step back from things and chill. So you can re-start ten times stronger.

5. Just do it.

This one is for you, Appa. My dad always quotes this popular Nike (also the name for the Greek goddess of victory, incidentally) tagline to me, especially when he sees me dilly-dallying or unnecessarily mulling over one thing or another. You know what they all say — actions speak louder than words. Life is short — don’t waste it inside your head. Before you know it, your whole life would have passed you by. Just take that leap of faith. If you fail, at least you’ll know that you tried.

6. You CAN do it

The Secret is the law of attraction. My good deed for the day is sharing it with you guys. It’s simple, really. What we learned in school is totally wrong. It’s like attracts like. So think that you CAN do it, and you’d be absolutely right. Think about all your supposed flaws, your ‘dysfunctional’ childhood, your problems, and you’d be attracting more of the same. Keep in mind, if you slip up, that your positive thoughts are multiple times stronger than your negative thoughts.

Read it NOW.

7. Say YES

I’m reminded of the Jim Carrey-Zooey Deschanel flick “Yes Man”. The premise is that Jim Carrey’s character, decides to say ‘yes’ to everything and it changes his life. You’ll have to watch the movie to see exactly how. Point is, you need to keep an open mind and try to be more amicable. Say ‘yes’ to people who ask you for help, say ‘yes’ to your friend asking you to hang out 24 hours before an important deadline, say ‘yes’ to your Mom who asks you to clean your room. You never know what golden opportunities could be lying in wait on the other side of that simple ‘yes’.

Doesn’t this poster make you want to go bungee jumping?

8. Ask for help

You can always pay your friend back in some way. In fact, only when you’re willing to give help will you feel comfortable to take it. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you’re genuinely in need, and by the same token…

9. …Ask stupid questions
Really, what is the worst that could happen? People will think you’re dumb? So let them!

10. Think rainbows and sunshine

Positive thinking relaxes you! This advice is from the The Secret: keep a few mood ‘shifters’ ready and waiting in the back of your mind — thoughts that can immediately uplift your mood.

11. Trust your instincts

Sometimes, when you don’t know which way to go, follow your heart. Listen to your inner voice, your common sense.

12. Embrace change

Go with the flow. Realize that change is the only constant. Accept it and even learn how to anticipate it. Read or re-read ‘Who Moved My Cheese?’ by Spencer Johnson for motivation to do so. No one wants to be a Hem!

13. Be thankful

Another piece of advice stolen from The Secret. But really, it’s common sense. If you’re grateful for what you have and learn to appreciate it, then there’s really no reason to be down, is there?

