Spatium is coming to the International Blockchain Congress

Meet the founding team at Hyderabad, India on 3rd and 4th of August

Raghu Mohan
Spatium Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2018


We are proud to announce our association with the International Blockchain Congress. Team Spatium will be travelling to India in the first week of August, and we look forward to meeting fellow Spatiumites at the event! With over 1 million crypto traders in India, we strongly believe that the Spatium Wallet and associated services will add a lot of value to the Indian cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The conference is being co-hosted by the Indian government and Nucleus Vision. As exhibitors at the International Blockchain Congress, Spatium will have the unique opportunity to share the limelight with industry bigwigs like Binance, Quantstamp, Huobi, NEO and several others. We will also be pitching Spatium at the International Blockchain Congress, where we will unveil the Spatium wallet to a 1000+ audience.

We look forward to meeting our community in India and sharing our vision and plans for the near future. If you too are at the event, come by to our stall at the International Blockchain Congress and meet our core team. We will also be making a really big announcement while at the event — more on this in the coming days.

Hope to see you all there!

Learn more about the conference here —

