Red Cabbage Apple Slaw

A recipe with the perfect blend of textures

Eileen Wiedbrauk
Speak Coffee To Me


Photo by Matilda bellman on Unsplash

What do I love about this slaw? The flavors — yes. The fact that it tastes fresh even in the winter when summer vegetables are scarce — yes. That it’s sweet but not too sweet — absolutely. But what I love most of all are the textures — it has an amazing blend of textures.

The crunch of the walnuts and celery. The tough-crunch of the cabbage — but not too tough because of how thin it’s cut. The softer-but-still firm apples and kholrabi. And rounding it all out: the chewiness of the dried cranberries.

I found myself repeatedly eating this salad as a small meal because it was so pleasing to eat on its own that I didn’t even want to pair it with anything else.



  • 0.3 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 0.3 cup neutral oil (I used canola)
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
  • 1 clove garlic, sliced
  • Black pepper and kosher salt to taste

Note: If you don’t like “to taste” as a descriptor for salt and pepper — I used a hearty pinch of each. Don’t like “hearty pinch” as a descriptor? Want a specific measurement? Try a heaping one-eighth…



Eileen Wiedbrauk
Speak Coffee To Me

Writer. Geek. Coffee addict. Former editor. MFA grad. Odyssey Workshop alum. Library fangirl. Escaped cubicle minion. Home cook. On a mission for better health.