Slow Cooked Roast Beef & Delicious Spice Rub

With just a little heat to keep you on your toes

Eileen Wiedbrauk
Speak Coffee To Me


Roast beef triptych
The holy triptych of sliced roast beef. Photo credit: Eileen Wiedbrauk.

In the before-times — i.e. back when I didn’t cook and didn’t understand how food got from roaming around on the hoof to deliciously constituting sandwich components — roast beef was one of those magical items that simply appeared.

It appeared on the sub shop’s menu. It appeared in little vacuum sealed packages pre-cut to fit on my sandwiches. It appeared — and this was as close as I got to the “making” part — in my grocer’s deli case as a haunch of meat and I could say I’d like a pound, sliced with a medium thickness for sandwiches. The electric meat slicer would whir to life, and the person behind the counter in the lovely apron and hairnet would rock the handle and paddle back and forth as the spinning blade shaved off however many pieces of roast beef I needed.

I used to be intimidated by the idea of making pot roast, let alone the sort of roast beef that was worthy of slicing and sandwiching. Surely, the latter had to be done in some sort of artisanal (or industrial) curing facility. Surely, I couldn’t achieve it at home.

Ug. I was so naïve.

During the first pandemic lockdown, I made my first haunch of roast beef at home. It was delicious and surprisingly easy. And per pound, it…



Eileen Wiedbrauk
Speak Coffee To Me

Writer. Geek. Coffee addict. Former editor. MFA grad. Odyssey Workshop alum. Library fangirl. Escaped cubicle minion. Home cook. On a mission for better health.