Great British Bake Along

Week Three Bake: ‘Lobster Roll’ & Focaccia

It’s bread week! It’s bread week!

Eileen Wiedbrauk
Speak Coffee To Me
Published in
8 min readOct 11, 2021


All images by Eileen Wiedbrauk and Dan Wiedbrauk

When it comes to bread, the only thing I love more than the smell of a loaf fresh from the oven is watching Bread Week on The Great British Bake Off. Yes, that’s right: I’m ranking TV shenanigans over an actual loaf. Sacrilege? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

As soon as the credits began to roll on this week’s episode, I was already planning my own challenge bake — bakes, plural, actually — and I got them proving the very next day.

If you’re not up to speed on how I’ve taken a much beloved TV show and irreparably warped it into weekly personalized baking challenges — you can catch up on the initial premise here, or see how weeks one and two went.



Eileen Wiedbrauk
Speak Coffee To Me

Writer. Geek. Coffee addict. Former editor. MFA grad. Odyssey Workshop alum. Library fangirl. Escaped cubicle minion. Home cook. On a mission for better health.