Speak Daily — Advanced Day 2 — The Art of Coffee

David Techwell
Speak Daily — Advanced
3 min readMar 11, 2024

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Coffee, a beverage revered by many around the globe, has a rich history and a complex journey from bean to cup. Its origins can be traced back to Ethiopia, where legend has it that a goat herder named Kaldi discovered the energizing effects of coffee beans. The process of roasting, grinding, and brewing coffee beans has evolved into an intricate art form, celebrated in numerous cultures worldwide. Specialty coffee shops and baristas now experiment with various brewing methods, from the traditional espresso to the slow and methodical pour-over, each method bringing out unique flavors and aromas.

Beyond its preparation, coffee plays a pivotal role in social rituals and economic systems. It’s the centerpiece of Italian espresso bars, Scandinavian fika, and American coffee chains, highlighting its versatility in adapting to different cultural contexts. The global coffee trade is a multibillion-dollar industry, deeply intertwined with the lives of millions of farmers, traders, and consumers. Ethical sourcing and sustainability have become increasingly important, as coffee consumption continues to rise, urging consumers to consider the environmental and social impact of their coffee choices.

However, coffee is more than just a commodity; it’s a source of inspiration and community. It fuels creativity, fosters conversations, and connects people across different backgrounds. The rise of coffee culture has led to a deeper appreciation of the craft, with enthusiasts seeking out specialty beans and unique brewing techniques. This passion for coffee not only reflects a pursuit of quality but also a desire for meaningful experiences and connections in our daily lives.

Language Insights

  • Revered: This means deeply respected or admired. Coffee is not just liked; it’s held in high regard by many people.
  • Beverage: A drink other than water. In this context, it emphasizes coffee’s role as a chosen drink for many occasions.
  • Origins: The beginnings or the start. When we talk about the origins of coffee, we refer to where and how the story of coffee began.
  • Energizing effects: This refers to the ability of coffee to increase energy levels and alertness in people who consume it.
  • Art form: A creative activity or expression that is highly valued for its beauty or emotional power. The making of coffee is considered an art due to the skill and creativity involved.
  • Brewing methods: The various techniques used to make coffee. Each method affects the taste and quality of the final product.
  • Pivotal role: A role of crucial importance in the development or success of something. Coffee’s role in social and economic contexts is deemed crucial.
  • Ethical sourcing: The practice of ensuring that the products are obtained in a responsible and sustainable way, respecting the environment and the rights of workers.
  • Sustainability: The ability to maintain or support an activity over the long term. In coffee production, it refers to farming and business practices that can be continued without harming future generations.
  • Craft: Refers to an activity involving skill in making things by hand. In the context of coffee, it highlights the skillful creation and preparation of coffee.

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