Speak Daily — Intermediate Day 4 — The Art of Tea Making

David Techwell
Speak Daily — Intermediate
3 min readMar 14, 2024

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Across the globe, the process of making tea is not merely about turning leaves into a beverage; it’s a ritual steeped in tradition, culture, and personal preference. In England, for example, the ritual of afternoon tea, involving tea, scones, and sandwiches, has been a cornerstone of society since the 1840s. Meanwhile, in countries like China and Japan, tea ceremonies are intricate performances that symbolize harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility. The preparation methods vary significantly from one culture to another, reflecting the diversity in tea’s role across different societies.

The type of tea one chooses can say a lot about personal tastes, from the robust flavors of black tea favored in the UK to the subtle nuances of green tea preferred in East Asia. Moreover, the method of brewing — from the temperature of the water to the steeping time — greatly influences the final taste. In Morocco, mint tea is not just a drink; it’s a sign of hospitality, friendship, and tradition, often prepared with great care and served to guests several times a day.

The global tea market continues to evolve, with innovations in flavors and brewing techniques. Specialty teas, such as herbal and fruit infusions, have gained popularity, offering a wide range of health benefits and catering to the modern consumer’s desire for variety and wellness. Tea, in its many forms and traditions, remains a simple yet profound way to connect with others, embrace cultural practices, and enjoy moments of solitude and reflection.

Language Insights

  • Ritual: A ritual is a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially as part of a ceremony. Tea-making rituals vary greatly around the world, each with its own set of traditions.
  • Cornerstone: Something that is the cornerstone of something else is its foundation or most important part. The afternoon tea is considered a cornerstone of English society.
  • Intricate: Something that is intricate has many small parts or details. Tea ceremonies, especially in East Asia, are known for their intricate details and symbolic meanings.
  • Nuances: Nuances are subtle differences in or shades of meaning, expression, or sound. The choice of tea can reflect the nuances of an individual’s taste preferences.
  • Steeping: Steeping is the process of soaking in liquid (usually water) to extract flavors or to soften. The steeping time in tea-making can greatly affect the taste of the tea.
  • Hospitality: Hospitality refers to the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. In Morocco, serving mint tea is a sign of hospitality.

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