Silence speaks

dear heart

robin ellen lucas
Speak to me


Dear heart, sometimes I wonder who I am. I feel like I’ve never done this before, like I am new to love. Sometimes I get nervous as if my vulnerable child self is coming out of her shell for the first time. And then I feel like I’m alone under a rain cloud.

A silent moment comes along to ask me to breathe it all in. It tells me, ‘Stay with me, please’—with eyes looking into me.

This moment tells me: ‘The answer is in the presence. Don’t worry about anything else but this. You don’t need to describe it in words, to anyone else or even to yourself. Those who share the moment will know it precisely.’

I know that this message speaks with knowledge between those who feel it, whether touching, across a room, or across the world. In the spirit of the moment, an aura is born… left to float off into the clouds at sunset but never to stop penetrating the everlasting moment.

