How Being Overwhelmed Is Like Riding A Bicycle

Robert Kennedy III
Storytellers Growth Lab
3 min readApr 14, 2017

I’m going to be transparent here. Although people often tell me that I seem like I’ve got it all together, most of the time, I don’t feel like that. This week, in fact, I had some moments of overwhelm.

Overwhelm looks a little different on me than it does for some people. Some people freak out. Some just get frazzled, tired and grouchy. For me, overwhelm still means I’m at my desk working as I would normally. But, I’m just not able to focus as I know I need to. It means I have a list of things I know I need to get done. However, I just can’t seem to summon the mental energy required to lock in on it. On me, overwhelm looks like subtle excuses and rationalizations. They might make sense to you, but in my mind, I know they’re hogwash. For example, instead of going to bed early, I stayed up to watch a TV show with my wife. Couples time, I called it. It was great…except; I was too tired to wake up at my power time the next morning.

Now, I absolutely adore my wife, and I love spending time with her. But, we’re a little different. She prefers to turn in a little later because she doesn’t like waking up early. I prefer to turn in earlier to wake up earlier. If I stay up later for too many nights, then it throws me off kilter, and I end up being ridiculously tired.

So, how do I spend the time with my wife and also accomplish the early bedtime? Sometimes, balance simply comes through communication. She is aware of what I want to achieve by getting to bed earlier. So, we agree to spend time elsewhere. We create date nights or “date days” regularly. We’re able to spend time together regularly and sometimes, I set up my schedule to stay up a little later to watch TV with her because…well, she likes it.

She brings me balance in so many ways. So, I look to balance the time I spend on her terms.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with life. But it can be just as easy to move through life if you can consistently find balance. It’s not a one-time deal. Much like riding a bicycle, you will constantly adjust and shift weight to stay upright. Hop on for the ride and enjoy it.

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About The Author

My name is Robert Kennedy III. I’m a leadership and communication speaker, trainer and author. I recently released 7 Ways To Know You Were Meant To Lead on Amazon. Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebookor on my website,



Robert Kennedy III
Storytellers Growth Lab

Leadership & Communication Speaker, Trainer, Author — Join my Storytellers Growth Lab Community —