My Greatest Success

Iris Kitching
Storytellers Growth Lab
3 min readApr 13, 2017

By Iris L. Kitching

No one could have told me I would be a speaker one day. I was a quiet, reticent person who often found it difficult to even talk to anyone. I expressed my thoughts and feelings by writing poetry. As a young adult I joined a poetry group, performing and interactively sharing writings at local universities and a small community theater. It was out of my comfort zone, but still enjoyable.

Church was a different story. As an adult I was quiet again, not comfortable among Christians. I sensed unacceptance. I believe certain life situations label you “sinner” to some church folk. You have to prove your worthiness to have true Christian fellowship again but that’s a story for another day.

As I matured in my faith, I recognized I hadn’t used my talent or gifts for God. I wasn’t involved in church ministries in my small church, felt unfulfilled and was at a low point. I said, Lord, I don’t want to die feeling like this way; I want to do something meaningful. I began working a little in ministries, eventually becoming assistant leader, then leader. It was invigorating being purposefully engaged. Next, I was leader in departments, and lastly was an elder/lay pastor, preaching for divine services 4 or more times a year. Never did I envision doing this but thrived in my responsibilities and began feeling successful.

Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. John Wooden

I landed a job as a secretary in Women’s Ministries for my denomination. I loved seeing the positive difference made in the lives of women worldwide. Writing devotionals to contribute to the yearly devotional book was rewarding too. Occasionally I spoke at local Women’s Ministries worship services or prayer events, felt God leading, and welcomed the path I was on. One day my boss said a Women’s Ministries Congress speaker was needed in the South Pacific. She and her assistant director were booked; she had recommended me. I was excited and nervous. A secretary was not usually asked to these large events. The official call came in — I was invited, and I accepted.

Six weeks later, I was in Fiji. My first afternoon there while reviewing my sermons, panic set in. Why Lord? Why did they invite me? Why did I say yes? I felt unworthy, cried, and prayed. Finally, I peacefully acknowledged I could and would deliver God’s word to the 275+ women for the seven days. Additional comfort came each evening as two prayer warriors pulled me aside to pray for me and for the message.

Today I praise God that even in the midst of small speaking and writing successes, my unexpected experience in Fiji was, to me, my greatest success. I didn’t plan for it but humbly accepted what God presented. After years of service, I was ready, willing, and by His grace, able.

I can tell you from experience that God’s help and presence in our lives is vital. He is the Author of all true success and everything that is good — without Him, we can do nothing of true value. Joyce Meyer

This is my Day 12 Post for the 30 Day Writing Challenge in the Speak Write Now Community.



Iris Kitching
Storytellers Growth Lab

Poet. Creative writer. Children’s story book writer. Published author. Enjoys Spoken Word, soulful music, solitude, and an awesome sunrise or sunset. aka Iris K