Jammy on sex

Funny/awkward/annoying things people say and do during sex!

Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 


Hey there people it is that time of the week again! I don’t have a specific day I write a new post I just do it when I do it! Ok so my last blog entry was quite insightful and deep. But this one …. Ok so let’s talk about something that is on most of our minds daily, nightly, hourly and every minute and every second of the day for some of us, the blog title is a give away but yes


Ok so ‘SEX’. Sex is something that most of us all desire, crave and enjoy. Sex can mean different things to different people. Some like it for the lust and attraction of the person there having sex with, others it is for the affection and the closeness with someone they really care about, or just for fun.

But saying this no matter what mind set you are in when having sex we have all experienced funny/awkward/annoying moments whist having sex weather it is something they say, do, or suggest! So I am going to list out examples some may be obvious others may surprise you. (not all from personal experience but some are).

Things people may say:

  1. ‘Pretend your raping me!’
  2. ‘Leave the glasses on!’
  3. ‘Your really hot I don’t no why I can’t get it up!’
  4. ‘Don’t look at me’
  5. ‘Pretend I’m your step sister and mum and dad’s just outside’
  6. ‘(pull my hair) Oh shit it’s a wig’
  7. ‘Wrong hole’
  8. ‘Wrong hole but keep on going’
  9. ‘What did you just call me!’
  10. ‘Is it supposed to do that?’
  11. ‘I think I nearly found it’
  12. ‘What are you thinking’
  13. ‘No iv’e not cum yet, I haven’t I swear!’
  14. ‘Oh my god how long do you last!?’
  15. ‘Pretend I’m your step mum and I defile you’
  16. ‘JUMANJI!’
  18. ‘Did you just spit in my mouth!?’
  19. ‘I’m sorry I lied I have never done this before’
  20. ‘Oh my god my boyfriend never does that!’
  21. ‘Are you bleeding or am I?
  22. (pulls his pants down) ‘Sigh’ (rolling of eyes)

Awkward/funny/annoying things they may do:

  1. Try and put it in whilst semi
  2. Starring at you like there terrified
  3. Can’t find the hole
  4. Thinking the clit is on the bottom
  5. Making you shower before he goes down on you
  6. Reveal that they have tits a womans body and oh a cock too
  7. Slap or punch you
  8. Put weapons to you during
  9. Accidentally peeing during
  10. Thrusting thinking there inside you but are not
  11. Have a laughing fit during
  12. Stare at you and go all quiet and emotional and stop what there doing
  13. Put a character mask on during
  14. Put something up your ass
  15. Bring in a friend
  16. Start crying
  17. Getting really aggressive (In a good way) but then cursing someone elses name
  18. Having sex with a nun in general
  19. Teasing the other person but they cum any way
  20. He puts it in and as she starts getting into it it’s over

Ok so those are just view of the top of my head that I have read about heard from others or experienced my self, from both guys and girls point of view. We have all had funny or weird or awkward experiences and disappointing ones.

Something that does make me laugh is when certain guys that act all tough hard and macho like, that are all about trying to impress the girls by acting like a dick, which so some fucked up reason works with quite a few girls. But what makes me laugh is that I know girls to have been with guys like this and when they get down to the act of sex they instantly turn insecure, scared and clueless and last 5 minutes! Oh and guys that big them self’s up about how great they are in the bedroom for then the girl to find out that they are a total bore or disappointment, and that can go both ways too.

Any way I could go on all day, I will have to start vlogging at some point. But any way hope this entertained you for the few minutes it will take to read and please if you have any experiences or funny moments in the sex department or even dating department or just funny/awkward experiences in general please share with me ☺




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Jamie Jones
Truth’s that no one speaks of. 

Jammy: Creative. Eccentric. Truthful. Honest and a little bit out there.