Are You Your Own Worst Critic? (Like Me?)

The importance of learning to like yourself.

Scott Ninneman
Speaking Bipolar


Image created by author with Canva.

What do you say when you talk to yourself?

Words have power, whether spoken or written. It’s the reason you see advertising everywhere you look. From billboards to pop-up ads, words fill your view.

There are many words that no one else hears. They are the phrases you say to yourself or write in your journal.

Usually, we don’t think about those words because they are only uttered in our safe places. Those words, though, are just as powerful as any that are spoken.

“If you don’t like someone, the way they hold their spoon will make you furious. If you do like them, they can turn their plate over in your lap, and you won’t mind.” — Irving Becker.

Words Matter

The words you say to yourself matter. A lot.

I get it. I often beat myself up with my words. No one hears those words, but they do their damage. It’s a battle I fight every day with bipolar.

Like me, you are your own worst critic. You are the one who hears every little thing you say and can dwell on it for days, weeks, months, or even years. So, when you’re being hard on yourself, know that those words have power. They can make you believe things that aren’t true.

Irving Becker said, “If you don’t like someone, the way they hold their spoon will make you furious. If you do like them, they can turn their plate over in your lap, and you won’t mind.”

Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

It’s the same with you. If you don’t like yourself, you will find fault in everything you do. If you do like yourself, you will be more forgiving and understanding.

Liking yourself is important because it allows you to see the good in yourself. It allows you to be kind to yourself. And, when you are kind to yourself, you are more likely to be kind to others.

So, the next time you catch yourself being hard on yourself, remember that words have power. Choose your words wisely. Be gentle with yourself. And, most importantly, like yourself. It’s essential for your mental health and well-being.

Write Through It

Work through your feelings about liking yourself with these prompts. If you write a Medium story, please come back and leave a link.

Journal Prompt: What are some of the negative things you say to yourself? How can you turn those words into positive statements?

Creative Writing Prompt: You’re invited to dinner with the queen at her palace. The meal starts, and a server drops a plate of food in your lap. What happens next?

Until next time, keep fighting.

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Scott Ninneman
Speaking Bipolar

Editor of Speaking Bipolar on Medium and author of You can thrive with mental illness. Links: