Chronic Illness

Checking Off Another Box On My Healthcare Bingo Card

How bingo relates to going to the doctor and chronic illness.

Scott Ninneman
Speaking Bipolar
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2019


My grandmother loved bingo. Up until the last year of her life, when she could no longer talk and had difficulty walking, she was a regular at the local Eagle’s club for their weekly game.

Living in the south now, I rarely hear about bingo, but I think about it often. In fact, on every trip to the doctor, which is more frequent than I would like, I can’t help but think of my grandmother next to me with her dobber or chips at the ready.

Hold on, grandma. We’re one square closer to winning.

Bingo and doctors

Now you may be wondering how bingo connects with a visit to the doctor. If you have a chronic illness, you probably already know what I mean, but if not, here goes.

Every time you see a new doctor, and likely once a year for your routine doctors, you’re handed a stack of papers to complete.

This morning, I had an appointment with my primary care doctor. There were six pages to keep me occupied this time.

I think the papers are more about distracting you from the long wait times rather than gathering information…



Scott Ninneman
Speaking Bipolar

Helping you understand and thrive with bipolar disorder. Editor of the Speaking Bipolar Publication. Let's connect: