Finding Calm: The Crucial Role of Relaxation in Managing Depression

Being relaxed corresponds to our true nature and is not the result of a life without problems

Karsten Ramser
Speaking Bipolar
Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2024


In my last article, I talked about the importance of acceptance, one of the pillars of dealing with depression. Another pillar is relaxation. This may not seem so important at first glance, but it is. When we are depressed, our body is under a lot of pressure, and we are very tense. This can go so far that we can no longer move, not only because of the lack of energy but also because of the tension we generate.

About 30 years ago, I had a bout of depression so severe that my whole body was literally one big cramp. The only way I could move was in a wheelchair. I share this experience to illustrate how tension and depression go hand in hand.

At that time, I didn’t know anything about relaxation and how it could help with depression. So I made an effort of will, but it backfired, and my body only became more tense; it was a vicious circle. Here at Speaking Bipolar, we know what that means.

So when we talk about tension, it doesn’t just refer to the physical level, but also to the emotional and psychological state of being. In a mysterious way

