
The eternal debate around it

Saswati Pradhan
Speaking Bipolar
2 min readMay 15, 2024


Anonymous on Pinterest

To what I have noticed, all my life
Forgiveness and I could never cross paths
26 and yet always found workarounds to strive
Say timely forgetfulness or say indifference
Say distance or say maddening silence
I would do it all to avoid dealing with it or forgiving
This one lavatory argument with my smarter self, flowed as such

It’s a sense of liberation for both forgiver-forgiven
Or low regard to the emotional wounds caused by the offence
Freeing thyself from the longing pain of the wrongdoing
Or letting the offender off the hook and condoning their actions
Taking away the power to ever getting affected and letting this go.
Or having no sense of justice or fairness that demands retribution
Focusing on the emotional freedom followed
Or the sleepless nights of betrayal on replay in my mind
Attaining tranquility and inner peace if you forgive
Or the tears shed for constant mistreatment
And yet one day breaking free from the shackles of the past
Or having low self-esteem to forgive so easily
Why not let off the pride/ego, admit vulnerability to the other
To be more uncomfortable and humbler for no reason at all?
To acknowledge pain and accept healing through forgiveness
What about my inert sincerity towards them weighed back by the hurt from them
Tells how you are a person like gem
Why will the lack of remorse and apology not repulse me from forgiveness
No one said it was easy, requires courage and emotional resilience
What if I am emotionally tired to deal with those challenging emotions now?

Healthy stool was flushed
Smarter one was flushed
Done with the commode conundrum
and onto real life with no lingering thoughts hum
Artful timely forgetfulness you see!
Triumphs all versions of forgiveness spree!

Or not!

