How I Navigate Setbacks on the Path to Mental Health Recovery

Turning challenges into strength.

Leon Macfayden
Speaking Bipolar


Woman stands in the middle of dark maze. Lights guide the way for her.
Image by mikkelwilliam on iStock

I am the underdog, and I want to prove that one can follow one’s dreams despite all the flaws and setbacks.

Winnie Harlow

I’ve been recovering from depression for several years now. But sometimes, I still struggle. Recently, it has been one of those times.

I find my mind wandering to places that cause me anxiety — the hurting places. Instead of being 100% focused on what I’m doing, I wonder what the point is. I’m dwelling on past adverse events, and the things I enjoy feel blah.

I know that when I start to ponder the meaning of life and come up short, it’s a sign depression is catching up to me. Unlike in the past, I’m ready for it now. I’ve fought it off before, and I can do it again. I know what I have to do to keep myself as safe as possible.

This, too, shall pass.

The biggest lessons I learned were probably the times where I had the biggest setbacks and the biggest challenges — when I had the biggest jumps forward and lessons learned.

Michelle Kwan

I don’t panic because even my worst depression passed. By not panicking, I keep everything realistic. I’ve been here…



Leon Macfayden
Speaking Bipolar

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