How to Avoid Panic Attacks on the Subway: My experience

Tarek Rakhiess
Speaking Bipolar
Published in
5 min readJun 10, 2024


How to Avoid Panic Attacks on the Subway: My experience.
Lexica Aperture

Hello, my dear comrades on the subway! If ever you have been seized with a panic attack in the subway, then by far, it’s not for the faint-hearted. The relatively confined spaces, the noisy environment, and the palpable sense that one cannot escape raise the anxiety bar for anyone. I have been in that position as well, but I want to tell you the methods that have been helpful to me, maybe they will for you as well.

Finding Your Safe Spot

When I found myself feeling anxious on the subway, I realized I needed a “safe spot”. For me, that place would be at the corner of the table facing the door so that no one can sit right beside me.

But it gives me a little more space and perhaps a way to slip away fairly easily if I have to. Even just looking for a location that is relatively less chaotic and more organized can do a lot of good.

Breathing Techniques: Your Best Friend

So simple, yet one of the most effective techniques I have found — just learn to breathe correctly. I take deep breaths and the first thing that comes to my mind is that a panic attack is not possible.

I then take in air and hold for a count of four, then breathe out for four counts. This pattern helps me to be able to…



Tarek Rakhiess
Speaking Bipolar

Hello, I am obsessed with the world of self-development, relationships, and stories and stories. which is why I am here to write for you