Mental illness | Psychology| Religion

If God Created Everything, Why Did Some Get Less In The Beginning?

Whose mind is ours and whose are we?

B.W. Bibi
Speaking Bipolar


Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Unsplash

Sensitive Content Warning:

This content contains scenes and descriptions that may be disturbing to some readers, like scenes of mental illness and possession.

Why is it all like that?

Whose mind is ours and whose are we?

Did you ever think that way?

Did you meet someone who has problems with absorption of reality and acceptance of reality? Can you accept all that happened and still going on? Not me. Not he…

I looked at him and thought what was the best thing to say.
Does he have good thoughts today or is a small sign enough, just something to disturb him?
Will I hurt him if I ask him how was his day? Will I hurt him if I don't ask him?

He was so cheerful when we met. All was so fast and so intensive. Seemed as a fairy with the best imagination. Suddenly, he started to cry sadly, saying that no one cared so much about him…I didn't know what was special about what I did. But I still care and yes, I am sad too.

We traveled without a specific destination. We continued even with a broken window on the car. It was still like happiness, despite all that pain between us in the air…
Then I did something wrong.
Then it happened again, he said.
His eyes were somewhere over there and I could see the black holes in the pupils of his eyes. The movements were sudden, the body seemed weak even though it was not.

He eats a lot but also sometimes doesn’t eat anything. Sometimes he is nice, sometimes as if the devil is inside him. How is that possible? Does he control that all?

All that suffering comes unnaturally. That terrible cry of a wounded lion. His voice is from someone else.

Did I have just a bad dream?

Do I know him? Will I ever know him?

Should I have left after the first quarrel? It doesn't make much sense for me to continue, they said...
I wonder if I should shake my hands off everyone and everything. You know, it’s not easy many times...
But hey, how is he? And who cares? How is it possible that he is still alive after so much suffering? How is it possible that no one saw the bloody traces of his heart and such strong echoes of a tormented soul?

Who I am and how to know what is real and what's good. If no one cares, why should I?

Who are we all? Are we still human?

And who is normal anyway?

Did you also think like me: If I give up, what will happen?

Nothing, everything will continue, as it must...
Because the clock is ticking... no matter what you do...

We are too small, oh, how small are we…

But hey, does that mean you shouldn't try?

Of course not... But don't force it...
The only thing you can do is to accept...

He asked me who was wrong and if that happened because of him or me.

I said to him: Stop asking, stop too much thinking, blaming you or me.

Hey, it doesn't matter, don't think about the past and how should it be.

Let's talk about it all now, just let it be.

Nothing is up to you in the end, it all goes its way

Tick Tack….


Please put me to bed
And turn down the light
Fold out your hands
Give me a sign
Hold down your lies
Lay down next to me
Don’t listen when I scream
Bury your doubts
And fall asleep
Find out
It was just a bad dream
Let the bedsheet
Soak up my tears
And watch the only way out disappear
Don’t tell me why
Kiss me goodbye
For neither ever, nor never
Neither ever, nor never
Neither ever, nor never



B.W. Bibi
Speaking Bipolar

Nature-loving Traveler, Writer, Engineer, Quality Auditor, Business Development Manager, Warrior for the free and smarter world. @bibiable😊 🌿🌍🌟