If I Were a Superhero

A poem of hopes and dreams.

Scott Ninneman
Speaking Bipolar
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2020


Image by Prawny from Pixabay

If I were a superhero
All the helpful places I’d go

I’d rush to the urgent rescue
Be a shelter and the ground crew

I’d capture all scheming villains
Lock them in dark, lonely prisons

I’d guarantee safe neighborhoods
Defending peace and livelihoods

I’d stop all cars from being wrecked
Stand guard and shield, fully protect

I’d end children's dark nighttime frets
Remove all stray random bullets

If I were a superhero
All the people I’d gladly show

I’d wipe away distressing tears
Put smiles in place instead of fears

I’d catch you from the crashing fall
Speed to answer your anxious call

I’d charge ahead and swiftly fly
Streak appearing in clear blue sky

I’d be here, there, and ev’rywhere
Heavy burdens I’d freely bear

Alas, this dream has not come true
No hero yet is in our view



Scott Ninneman
Speaking Bipolar

Helping you understand and thrive with bipolar disorder. Editor of the Speaking Bipolar Publication. Let's connect: https://speakingbipolar.com/socialmedia