I’m Preparing for a Crash

Navigating the Highs and the Lows of Bipolar II

D.D. Marshall
Speaking Bipolar


Photo by Gianfranco Grenar on Unsplash

After a week-and-a-half of non-stop, high-level activity in my life, I am preparing for a crash into a depressive state.

What I’ve been up to

I’ve been traveling for business to conduct software training for three straight days. The next day, I headed to my niece's graduation party across the state. Then, I came home to a houseful of my in-laws for the long weekend.

I know that during periods of elevated activity, I can quickly hit a manic state where I find myself doing things I usually do not.

I’m an introvert, and I often find myself throwing myself into social situations and saying things I later regret or second-guess. Like the filter coming off after a couple of Old Fashioneds

I want to go, and go, and go during these times. Yes, I am an introvert who requires recharge time, but the recharge periods are noticeably shorter.

I have seen this pattern enough to know that when the family leaves today, I will be susceptible to the pendulum swinging in the other direction as my activity stops dead.

A Self-fulfilling prophecy?



D.D. Marshall
Speaking Bipolar

I like tech, productivity, outdoors, and genealogy. I like writing too, but haven’t taken it too seriously. So, why not start now.