Just One More…

Bargaining with life

Betty Van Cleve
Speaking Bipolar


Photo by Rafa Barros on Pexels

Just one more game

I tell myself as I put off that important email that I’m supposed to be sending

my heart pounds in my chest

and my breathing constricts

I’ll be ready to write it when this game is over.

Just one more chapter

I promise myself as I delay bedtime for a bit longer

my thoughts are bleak and they’re racing

I’ll be ready to sleep when this book is complete.

Just one more day

I vow until I make healthy changes

I’ll write more, I’ll run more, I’ll even start meditating

I’ll be the best version of myself and things will get easier

I just need to wait until my anxiety goes.

But time marches on

Without knowing your bargains

And it passes more quickly than you were prepared

And here I still am

with emails to send and with deals unfilled

still waiting for the perfect time

that won’t come without action.



Betty Van Cleve
Speaking Bipolar

Mental health warrior. HSP. Muser. Random thought generator. Oddly opinionated. Charmingly neurotic. For inquiries: betty.vancleve@outlook.com