MY LIFE AS A BIPOLAR | Mental Health Series

My Life as a Bipolar — Introduction

Paying attention and Mount St. Helens

Kathy K
Speaking Bipolar
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2023


This sort of looks like me, I always did look like a schoolteacher, everyone says so. I created this image in Midjourney in one try, the AI seemed to read my mind on this one!


Pay attention! Observe! Be aware, after all, you know what they say about awareness, don’t you? Don’t worry, I didn’t either until recent years. It is said that Awareness is the Path to Change. Maybe you’ve experienced this in your life?

How many world events have you paid attention to, observed, and been aware of? Where were you when the first man landed on the moon? How about when Mt. St. Helens erupted in the Pacific NW of the United States?

I’m not very good at paying attention or being aware, I only knew about the mountain literally blowing it’s top because of the ash all over the place in The Dalles, Oregon that spring and early summer of 1980. Yes, I was a young adult, working, wondering what was next, but did I bother to pay attention to the world around me? Not much. Never did, still don’t. How, you ask, can anyone not pay attention to what’s going on around them? I’m not sure about you and your reasons, but I do know now why I hardly ever in my entire life seemed to notice anything except what was in my own little world.




Kathy K
Speaking Bipolar

I write about mental health and fiction, mostly dystopian. Imaginatively unusual is preferable but not always possible for me.