Nightmares and Fantasies

Planning for life in bipolar extremes

Julio Angel Rivera
Speaking Bipolar
Published in
5 min readJun 24, 2024


By Mark Daynes markdaynes —

Thrills and Chills

I’m stuck in the middle. I don’t want to be a middle man. Middle management is boring.

I like action.

No one goes to the movies to be bored. You watch a romance or a horror flick to get you excited. Something to make your heart pump faster.

You want to be pulled into the story. In order for that to happen, you have to be emotionally invested. You have to care.

Fear and love will both make you care.

Those are the extremes of bipolar disorder. Fear and love. The opposing forces battle for control of your vessel. They make you care so much that all there is is emotion.

In fear or love, you are sure that you are feeling something. You’re not empty and void. You are full of light or darkness. You are clearly defined. You aren’t ethereal. You are painfully human.

But in the middle, you are nothing. You move through life like an amorphous blob, unsure of who you really are or what you want. Your excitement is muffled. Your zest for life is nowhere to be seen.

I’ve always associated the middle with average, and I never wanted to be average. In my younger years, I turned myself into a…



Julio Angel Rivera
Speaking Bipolar

Dad, writer, author of Brokedown Sensei, martial arts coach, mental health advocate, speaker - From Brooklyn. NYU grad. Visit