Surviving Bipolar & Sharing My Story: The Journey Begins (Part 1)

Surviving Bipolar is a series about how bipolar has steered my life.

Scott Ninneman
Speaking Bipolar


A hand writing ‘Start Here’ on a chalk board. |

Surviving Bipolar is a series I started years ago on my blog. The most recent chapters are here on Medium, but I never imported the first seven. This post is the story that started them all.

Trigger Warning: suicide

Do you want to go on a journey? Today, you are invited to go on one that involves surviving bipolar disorder. It’s hard to say how long the journey will be because it’s still going.

You need to understand a harsh reality from the beginning. Some journeys are never complete. Some journeys go on long after the traveler is exhausted. Occasionally, a journey feels like an endless loop.

Bipolar disorder is one such journey, but it is one you can survive. I am living proof.

Who am I?

My name is Scott, and I am the man behind the curtain on the Speaking Bipolar blog. I’m also the editor of the Speaking Bipolar on Medium Publication.

For a fun background, you can read my origin story told as a fairy tale here:



Scott Ninneman
Speaking Bipolar

Editor of Speaking Bipolar on Medium and author of You can thrive with mental illness. Links: