Roles and Fake Profiles

Who Is Normal?

How to find out who someone is, before that someone bites you?

B.W. Bibi
Speaking Bipolar
Published in
11 min readMar 21, 2024


Have you ever thought about it: Who is normal today?

It seems that in the past fewer people with psychological problems were noticed, or they were simply more accepted. However, anyone who deviates from the established norm is often stigmatized.

Like the serial production of Barbies and Supermen and if they find any mistake, they discard you. They had a plan, and you didn’t fit in; something slipped. But hey, there was no analysis. They skipped that step, failing to question themselves on how and why they planned you and what the ultimate goal was. They forgot the most important thing: the real purpose of your existence. How competent are they to decide about your fate if they haven’t received a certificate authorizing your production?

Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash

I often find myself thinking about the competence of many individuals in their roles as parents, teachers, doctors, and beyond. It’s alarming to hear increasingly frequent stories of family abuse, mistreatment of students, and neglect of patients. Shouldn’t there be psychological evaluations to determine who is suitable for these roles? After all, these professions involve working closely with people.

First and foremost, let’s consider parents. Some of them have children because it’s expected of them by society, or worse yet, as a means of securing care in their old age.

Photo by Anita Jankovic on Unsplash

What are we becoming? What kind of society are we living in?

I’ve been immersed in the stories of some individuals, leaving me questioning our societal values and direction.

Here are some stories:

Story № 1.

Mario told me they took away his child because his wife is a bitch.

She was drugged, and when social services arrived, they witnessed the chaotic situation surrounding the child.

Wait, now it’s all her fault, and you’re blameless? You both use drugs daily and live in poverty due to unemployment. Why bring a child into the world if you’re not prepared to be responsible parents?

Photo by Trinity Treft on Unsplash

I feel sorry for the children. There are many similar cases.

Perhaps someone could have talked to them and recognized that they weren’t suitable for parenthood, suggesting abortion instead of allowing the child to suffer.

How will these parents explain to the child why they separated him from his mother’s breast and snatched him from her arms?

What can we expect from that child, and how can we blame him later for any mistakes? Rejected from infancy, a bad start.

And he will ask: Why me? Why did this happen to me?

And he has the right. Where is the justice?

Photo by Andrew Le on Unsplash

But wait, social services took the child. They’ll take care of him there, won’t they? Hmm, unfortunately, I’ve heard troubling things happening there too…

Did you know that many children disappear from hospitals shortly after birth?

What kind of twisted minds are behind these abductions? It often involves a mother selling her baby like a bale of hay, someone who resells, and the end buyer who receives goods for his money.

These babies are kidnapped under the cover of being dead… Yes, there are indeed many sick minds within us.

Photo by Patricia Prudente on Unsplash

Wait, could it be possible that some individuals exploit their positions and roles for financial profit?

Many of them, my friend. Baby theft is a lucrative business…

Yes, my friends, there are even darker scenarios, but I wouldn’t want to shatter your rosy world by suddenly painting it black.

Story № 2.

My friend told me that he has neither a dog nor a cat, and he is 50 years old. I was surprised by the sentence:

Who will inherit me? Who will extend the lineage?

Hmm, the focus is back on “me”. Do you feel the same way?

Photo by Orkun Azap on Unsplash

Well, people, don’t you have a family nest in mind? What will you provide for the child to be happy? Where is tenderness, love, and a warm family home? Everything seems to have been lost, so who are these parents? How will they raise children who will be “normal”?

Story № 3.

This is a story from 2004 when I couldn’t believe that a woman said such a thing while working in a hospital.

Well, my granny was 73 and had high blood pressure. She often had readings of 220 over 120. It seemed normal to me that doctors know best how to take care of someone’s health. However, my granny couldn’t reduce her blood pressure for a long time. One day, she came home from the doctor, upset. I asked her what happened, and she said that the doctor told her she wanted to rejuvenate!

My granny was the best person I knew — calm, intelligent, sensitive, and caring for others. I couldn’t believe what I heard.

The next day, she died of a heart attack. ❤

Photo by Simran Sood on Unsplash

I went to the hospital a few days later, and fortunately, I didn’t find that doctor. I started to calm down in the waiting room and filed a complaint in a book.

If there was someone rational, he understood all after reading.

If there was anyone with empathy, he felt how shattered I felt when I wrote that.

Who do you think they would call “mentally unstable” if I found that doctor?

The point is that some situations and spoken words are a trigger. Sometimes people can’t take it anymore. I think that I broke down more when someone hurt a dear person than when it was directed at me. I could forgive and bear a lot. But someone hurt an old woman, why? WHY?

Words are often sharper than swords. Be careful what you say.

And forgive, but be careful to whom. Run away from people who tend to hurt you for no reason.

They probably have some pain themselves that is tearing them apart from the inside.

It is often because of the traumas from childhood.

Photo by Itai Shlemberg on Unsplash

And so the ball is unwound.

But who will unravel all those tangled minds?

We all have a million stories inside us.

Where is the justice and who can judge?

I could kill that doctor then, it seems to me.

I would go to prison or a mental institution, and that “normal” doctor would continue to take people to their deaths. But she did continue…

Would I have the right to tell that doctor all I wanted? Honestly, I didn’t care. Grandma’s right to life was taken away because of someone's carelessness. Her heart wouldn’t have stopped if she had a competent doctor.

That woman is not a real doctor. Someone failed to assess her suitability for that job. After all, diplomas are simply bought today and the institutions that award them are questionable.

Do you think it’s necessary to carefully assess whether someone has the psychological profile of a doctor?

Empathy should be a fundamental quality.

This individual has completely failed in her professional duties. She would do better selling eggs at the market.

You see how the Hippocratic Oath no longer applies…

Nothing is appreciated, my friend. There is no normalcy in this twisted world.

Photo by Zulmaury Saavedra on Unsplash

Story № 4.

The teacher made a mistake.

It happened about 10 years ago. I was teaching mathematics privately.

A girl came and showed me a notebook from school. There was a wrong formula. I told her that she made a mistake and I wrote her correctly. The next day she came and said that they all have the same formula. Ok, the teacher made a mistake, it happens.

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

A few days later, they had math class again and they saw another formula on the blackboard. Then the students said that last time there was a different formula and the teacher denied it.

She didn’t want to admit her mistake and correct it, but she even used the wrong formula the whole time.

So wait, what did she teach them?

That they don’t need to admit a mistake and that it’s better to cover up and lie?

What is the value system in schools, any institutions and families today?

Photo by Harry Quan on Unsplash

№ X — Every story involving socially rejected individuals

Now is clear how many people with unconfirmed diagnoses we live with.

Do you agree that there are far fewer people who behave normally in family, school, hospital, and elsewhere than those who do not?

You go for a coffee or to the bank and some inconvenience awaits you.
Ok, someone had a bad day, it happens.
But hey, every day is bad for someone!

Why don’t people seek help when they need it?
I’ve asked myself that so many times!
Why does someone mistreat me and not notice that his life is screwed up!

Photo by Davide Manzini on Unsplash

Usually, those who are okay, take medication and go to therapy, and those who are not, don’t ask for help but take out their frustrations on others.
Those people are selfish!

First, you tried to please those closest to you, and you were never good enough.
You learn hard at school, and then at university, you do all ok, but you come across various freaks that make it all even more difficult for you.

I’m sure you’ve felt rejection once too. You are worth less if you don’t fit in. You constantly get confirmation that something is wrong with you.

I don’t have a doctor’s diagnosis, but it doesn’t matter, I don’t fit in.

I asked for help because I could no longer bear the pressure of others.

And imagine miracles! I don’t seem to be the one who has problems…

Photo by Cyrus Crossan on Unsplash

And you know what? There is always a way out. Don’t let them screw you over. Because then it’s too late.

If you’re not feeling well, just take it easy, everything always works out somehow.

Don’t be sad about an unhappy childhood or unrequited love.

Take a bike, run, sing!

Life is beautiful, just don’t spend it with the wrong people.

Who are the wrong people?
Well, all those with whom you don’t fit in!

Don’t look for reasons or causes and don’t try to fix it. If it broke once, it’s already broken and the probability that it will ever be like new is small. Mostly it never gets better with some people.
That doesn’t mean it’s your responsibility.

Don’t define yourself by diagnosis, if you have it

If you have a good soul, everything is easy, you are good. ❤️
Always work on yourself to be better because you deserve it and that’s how your life has its meaning.
Don’t hurt others and you won’t hurt yourself either.
Always take care of your psychophysical health.
Hey, you’re here, that means you’re okay. :)

Please, if you ever feel the need to say something, find someone who is competent.
Don’t wait to ask for help when it’s hard.
You can also talk to someone who understands you, that’s ok.

I am better since I got in touch with a psychotherapist and we got to the bottom of my story and how it is ok to do what I love.

Look, here I am writing to you. And now it’s even easier for me. ❤️
Thank you, you are a true friend. You can also tell me your story if you want, feel free.

This world could be a wonderful place if people accept each other for who they are.
The important thing is that we are here and everything is ok.
Let’s hold hands and not let anything that is happening around us, tear us apart.

Today, globalists overshadow what individuals around us do.
Look at these wars and pandemics and all the possible crap that awaits.
Please don’t listen to them.
I take no side in any war, there is no innocent side. War is the product of evil. Point. People are tools of sick minds.
You remember those who kidnap children, the same minds that also kidnap soldiers, someone's children, but not theirs.

Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

And the same for everything else they occupy us with.
Hey, how can you not go crazy?
They train your brain to fear.

Turn off the TV! I haven’t had a TV for a long time and I don’t read newspapers. I get information here and there.
Don’t let it overload your brain.

All we can watch now is violence or entertainment. Yes, it’s a lot of fun. People seek distraction from their problems, but the real issues remain hidden under the surface. However, you won’t hear the whole truth. No! Only what they want you to hear or watch. They occupy your mind even if you don’t realize it.

Betting shops on every corner, prostitution, porn industry.
They are bombarding us with what they want, including bombs.
But I would not talk now about that…

That’s it, I’m telling you, you’d better go for a walk, go to the theatre, read, write…

Here we are, and it’s great.
I am glad that there is a place where we can have our little world, separated from those who think we are not ok.

That’s what I wanted to tell you.
In fact, the roles are reversed.
They are the ones who need help if they want to mold you.
Don’t blame them.
Let it go, if you get into any controversy, it will turn into an argument.
Because, you remember, it’s not worth fixing, just let it go.
Go, hang out with positive people, do what you love and enjoy.

Photo by Mike Baker on Unsplash

Oh, how I wish I had known before what I know now.

It all would have been stopped a long time ago if I found a good psychotherapist earlier.
You can't believe how sometimes something you know, sounds much different when someone else tells you.

And remember, the spoken word sometimes means more than a thousand unspoken words. When you start talking, your thoughts become easier.

And everything is good because you want it to be like that.

Photo by Quaritsch Photography on Unsplash

Free yourself from all fears and guilt. You can do it and you deserve it. You are important! ❤️

Thank you for taking the time to listen to me, it means a lot to me to say all this.

Come on now, say whatever you want, just drop a comment.

See you soon, follow me if you want to hear me again.




B.W. Bibi
Speaking Bipolar

Nature-loving Traveler, Writer, Engineer, Quality Auditor, Business Development Manager, Warrior for the free and smarter world. @bibiable😊 🌿🌍🌟