Why Am I Trapped in My Own Cave?

Unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel

Speaking Bipolar
4 min read22 hours ago


Photo by Lê Tân on Unsplash

I wonder how I ended up here, in this lonely cave of my own making. Was it my own fears and insecurities that led me to this place? Or was it the expectations and pressures of the outside world that pushed me into this?

I was looking for answers in the shadows, but all I found was silence.

As I stood in the darkness of this cave, the silence was deafening. The only sound was the echo of my own breath. I was trapped, alone in this desolate space, with no escape from the same routine that had become my life. It was as if I was stuck in a loop, reliving the same moments over and over again.

Each day was a repetition of the same routine. I woke up, stretched my arms, and looked around at the darkness that surrounded me. And I’ve literally just been crying my eyes out non-stop, like I can’t even catch a break. Everything feels like it’s crashing down on me. I’m just so over it. Like, I don’t even know if I have the energy to keep going at this point. I hate this cave. I hate my own cave. It’s so dark. There’s no light, no hope, no escape. I was trapped in this cave, with no way out. The days blended together, and I found myself doubting my strength, my will to carry on, wondering if there was more to life than this darkness and silence.

I try to break free, to find a way out of this cave that has become my prison. But every time I reach for the light, it slips through my fingers like sand, leaving me grasping at nothing but empty air.

I’m a prisoner of my own cave

I try to find solace in the echoes of my own voice, in the memories of a time when I was free. But the echoes only serve to remind me of what I have lost, of the life that seems so far out of reach.

I can’t help but wonder why, why, why? Why am I trapped in this cave? Why can’t I find the strength to break free from its chains?

I wanna escape. I really do. But How?

The walls of my cave seem to close in on me, trapping me further. How I long for a helping hand. To wipe away my tears. To guide me, to listen, to understand. But in this cavern, it’s only me, my own reflection is all I can see.

Am I really as weak as I think I am? Well, all I can do is weep, yet yearn to be received. I may feel lost, but I wanna be found, to have a listening ear where my voice resounds.

I’ve been pondering this for a while now, trying to make sense of my situation. Maybe it's because I've grown comfortable in my misery, too afraid to step out of my comfort zone and face the challenges that await me outside.

As I sit in the silence of my cave, I reflect on my past choices and decisions. I realize that I have been my own worst enemy, allowing my doubts and anxieties to control me and keep me locked away from the world outside.

I’m feeling pretty lost and unsure about what steps to take next, and it’s all on me to come up with a plan. Currently, I find myself in this cave, surrounded by nothing but the echoes of my own thoughts and shadows.

Just me, my thoughts, and the eerie stillness of my own cave.

Photo by Jean Gerber on Unsplash

Right now, all I can do is give it my best shot and keep on moving forward. It’s gonna be tough, no doubt about it, but I’ve got faith in myself and the big man upstairs. I know I got what it takes. I’m confident I can make it happen. I might hit a few bumps along the way, but I’ll pick myself up because I know that I’m the only one who can illuminate the darkness in my own cave.

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

-Theodore Roosevelt

