Write For Speaking Human

Have something to say about ethics, marketing, and social good? We want to hear what you got.

Alaura Weaver
Speaking Human
3 min readFeb 11, 2018


Speaking Human isn’t your typical “How to 10x Your Growth” marketing publication. In fact, we see the relentless pursuit of exponential business growth as one the biggest drivers of social inequality and environmental degradation.

We believe the key to a successful 21st century business model is a singular focus on purpose and impact.

Growth — positive, sustainable growth — only happens when a business has fulfilled its purpose and has had a positive impact on the lives of the people the business seeks to serve.

And that’s where marketing comes in. A purpose-driven marketing strategy helps a business give voice to its mission and attract the human beings whose lives it seeks to impact.

If you’re a purpose-driven marketer or business owner, we want to hear from you.

Here are some questions we’d like you to think about:

  • What are the challenges and triumphs you’ve experienced in your quest to make a profit while making change?
  • What made you decide to go against the “big growth” grain in your business practices?
  • What does purpose-driven marketing look like in your business?
  • How do you implement and test your marketing strategy against your goals for change and sustainable growth?
  • What do you think are the biggest hurdles to overcome as a purpose-driven business maker?
  • How have you solved these issues — or how would you propose we as a community of ethical businesses solve them together?

Here are some topics we’re particularly interested in hearing about for 2018:

  • Crowdfunding for ethical products
  • SaaS marketing and social responsibility
  • Examples of ethical/purpose-driven marketing campaigns “in the wild”
  • How to transition from a profit-driven business to a “triple bottom line” company
  • How to track and measure impact
  • The role of artificial intelligence in social change
  • Personal stories of your mission for creating change

Here are the formats we’re looking for:

  • Blog posts- 1000–1500 words, including graphics/images with permission to publish. Please submit the post as a Medium writer.
  • Videos- Between 2–7 minutes. Please include a 250–500 word description. Must be posted on YouTube or Vimeo so we can embed the video on a Speaking Human post.
  • Podcasts- Include a 250–500 word description (transcript can be longer) along with an embeddable sound player link.

Here some guidelines to stick to:

  • No advertorials. We can sniff out the stink of self-promotion like a pack of German Shepherds. Please use links that are relevant to the content. Unless you’re offering a case study on how you accomplished a marketing goal or providing a personal essay, don’t make the post all about you.
  • Outbound referral links are welcome. Just as long as they are helpful to the reader.
  • Want to republish your post elsewhere? Fine by us. Just please do mention that it was originally published in Speaking Human with a link to the original article.
  • Referencing an influencer? If you’re featuring someone in particular, please provide links to their social media profiles so we can tag them when we promote your post.
  • Bring on the bio. Please include a brief (one or two sentence) bio with a URL to wherever you’d like to refer readers who want to learn more about you/working with you.
  • Unfortunately, this isn’t a paid writing opportunity for creative writers or journalists. But if you’re looking for writing clients, this is a brilliant content marketing opportunity.

Who are Speaking Human community members?

We come from all over the planet.

We care. Maybe we care a little *too* much, if that’s a thing.

We feel connected to the web of humanity, and it hurts to see the damage our fellow humans are doing to one another and to our home.

We’re empowering ourselves with business acumen to bridge the vast divide between rich and poor.

We’re seeking a deeper understanding of the complex role race, sex and money plays in inequality.

We’re harnessing the power of storytelling to help connect and inspire our fellow human beings to do better.

We’re marketers and entrepreneurs who are committed to transforming the guidepost of business success from profit to purpose.

If you count yourself among us, please join us.

Request to contribute and submit your story today.



Alaura Weaver
Speaking Human

Fluent in Human. Storytelling, SaaS growth and social change. Kill corporate-speak: www.wordweaverfreelance.com