Shannon Grinnell
Speaking of Crypto
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2018

“Most people can’t keep showing up to anything. I think that your ability to show up and keep showing up and, and outwork, everybody else is everything. I also want to comment that I think for young people listening to this podcast in their 20s and they’re getting going, there’s this horrible pressure that I did not have that they have that you have to be part of a startup be crazy successful, have a non-profit, intern at the White House… stop it. Slow down. Do one thing well.”

– Michael Hyatt

Speaking of Crypto compilation podcast. Five Questions. Five Guests. Featuring Sandra Ro, Bruce Silcoff, Hartej Sawhney, Michael Hyatt, and Bernie Moreno.
Michael Hyatt, Co-founder of BlueCat

What if I could get five of the coolest, forward-thinking, big-picture seeing, crypto dynamos together in one place and pick their brain about things that are blockchain related, and not?

I’d want to ask them about some challenges that they’ve

Bruce Silcoff, CEO of Shyft Network

overcome. I’d ask if someone’s new to crypto, where should they start to wrap their head around Bitcoin, blockchain and this whole new crypto world. And I’d want to know what’s most important, from their perspective — Love, Money or Influence.

Well, in this compilation podcast, I’m bringing you five different podcast guests who’ve all answered the same five questions.

Sandra Ro, CEO of Global Blockchain Business Council

1.If someone’s completely new to the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, what would you like them to know?

2. Looking back, what was one of the most challenging things you faced in your career and how were you able to overcome it?

3. What would you say is the most important character trait that someone who’s about to enter the workforce should possess?

4. If you could create your own city or town, what are three key elements you would want to include?

5. LOVE, MONEY, + INFLUENCE — can you rank them in order of importance and explain?

Hartej Sawhney, Co-founder of Hosho
Bernie Moreno, Blockland Cleveland


Sandra Ro


CEO of the Global Blockchain Business Council


Bruce Silcoff


CEO of Shyft Network


Hartej Sawhney


Co-founder of Hosho


Michael Hyatt


Co-founder of Blue Cat


Bernie Moreno


Blockland Cleveland




Shannon Grinnell
Speaking of Crypto

Shannon Grinnell ~ Producer + Host of the Speaking of Crypto podcast.