5 Ways To Crush Your Goals In 2019

Speak Upp
SpeakUpp Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2019

Hitherto, jokes were made on how January seemed to be three months compressed into one. Surprisingly, January 2019 has proven us all wrong. According to millennials on social media, January 2019 is the fastest moving January in history. Whichever way you view it, twelve months come by sooner than expected.

Making use of each month is where the magic of living your best life lies. Being gifted with a new year is an opportunity to do a detailed introspection, dream big, set some goals and execute them.

Here at SpeakUpp, we created a poll at the beginning of the year to ask individuals if they had outlined some goals for the new year. Majority of the respondents gave a resounding YES.

Setting goals for each year is great progress. However, it doesn’t stop there. If you want to realise the goals you have outlined or set new goals altogether, below are five ways to achieve that.

Set Goals You Care About

When you care about a goal, you go all out to make it happen. Have an internal drive for the goals you set and make sure they are feasible enough to follow through. Now, take a relook at the goals you have set for yourself. Assess if you really care about them. If you do, proceed to step two. If you don’t be honest with yourself and set new goals which you have the passion for.

Break Each Goal Down

By all means, have a big goal. It is not only audacious but necessary for growth. Break down each goal into small actionable chunks you can easily work on. Trying to achieve a big goal at once can leave you feeling disappointed and discouraged. Break it down.

Work Towards Your Goals Daily

After reducing a huge goal into multiple small chunks, work on each chunk daily. Hence, each day is very important. Set a specific time during the day to work on it. Eliminate obstacles which may prevent you from working on the goal. Do not encourage excuses. If you work on your goal every day for the next few months, you will have accumulated a lot by the end of the year. Remember, days compound into years.

Measure Your Results

Every month or quarter, take some time to measure your progress. How are you faring? Are you working towards the goal hard enough? Are you seeing any changes? Are there any tweaks you need to make? When you measure your work and progress, you will find out if you’re on the right path or not. You will also discover trends and hacks to make your journey even easier.

Be Patient

Rome was not built in a day. No great thing happens at once even seemingly overnight successes. Success with anything takes time, effort and dedication. Dedicate yourself to your goals, be patient and follow it through. You will be grateful you did.

Within every human lies the ability to transform into a better person. By following these steps, you will begin to see a change in your life, gain more confidence and dare to be more. 2019 will only be a good year if you set your mind to tasks and make them a reality.

