My Interview With IL 15 Congressional Candidate Carl Spoerer

Meet the man campaigning to unseat 11-term Republican John Shimkus

Ben Chapman
6 min readJul 21, 2017


Carl Spoerer

Carl Spoerer, a congressional candidate from Illinois’ Southernmost District, has launched his campaign to unseat long-time Congressman John Shimkus. Mr. Spoerer was kind enough to offer answers to some questions I had about his campaign goals, and the result was the interview you will see below. Enjoy!

Ben Chapman: What was the defining moment that motivated you to challenge Congressman John Shimkus, an 11 term House member?

Carl Spoerer: It started with deep concern for the future of children in the district, and particularly for young people fresh out of college looking for jobs. The loss of population and jobs has been dramatic. Issues like equality, clean air, and clean water were also on the list of troubling issues. Then you go out and meet the amazing people in the District. You love them. You want better for them. You want to be able to protect their health care, Social Security, family values, and community values. It truly changes a person and motivates a person.

BC: Which issues do you consider most important to your campaign? Which of your goals truly defines “Carl 2018?”

Carl Spoerer: I want to be a champion for the working class. Returning good paying jobs to the district would go a long way to improving the economy in our communities. We will create regional Jobs Leadership Teams (business leaders, local citizens, workers, state and federal officials) to develop economic plans to not only address the loss of jobs but ways of obtaining the necessary resources to attract manufacturing, retail, and other industries to move into the district. We also need to promote the greatness of these communities through tourism and community organization outreach.

BC: Many voters from both parties feel as if the Electoral College no longer represents them. They have noticed that the only states with any power are swing states because only they have any true effect on election results. Illinois is a notoriously blue state, meaning it is virtually passed over during presidential campaigns. What Electoral College reforms will you encourage as Congressman to ensure the voices of your constituents are heard?

Carl Spoerer: I am in favor of removing the Electoral College. Current (and past) efforts at voter suppression and gerrymandering districts don’t fairly represent all voters. I will work to stop voter suppression and gerrymandering, and also to push back on the Citizens United decision which pushes big money into election cycles.

BC: As a follow up… Increasingly, citizens have become frustrated with the undemocratic practice of gerrymandering, which purposely biases our elections. As a representative, how will you reform congressional elections to make them more democratic?

Carl Spoerer: I will work to pass legislation that creates non-partisan districts in each state throughout the U.S.

BC: Your opponent, Congressman Shimkus, once advocated for term-limits, and even set an informal term limit on himself to serve only 12 years in Congress. Once given the opportunity, however, he betrayed this promise and he is now on his 20th year in Congress. I have two questions on this topic. Do you support term-limits? And how will you differ from career politicians such as Congressman Shimkus?

Carl Spoerer: The downside to term limits is that it will give lobbyists more power over junior representatives as the learning curve can take a few years. If we lose the knowledge base of senior representatives it could also have unintended negative effects. I do like the concept of term limits, but I would have to study it further to fully support it. However, I fully support limiting the amount of time any one representative can sit on a particular committee.

I differ from a career politician because I am a working class person who also suffers from all of the waste and corruption. Career politicians tend to quit listening to the people and cater more to their corporate donors. I won’t ignore the working class. I am 54 years old and have 15 years or so to leave a positive imprint on the world, to make my family proud of our name, but more importantly, to change the prospects for 750,000 hard working folks. This is our time, it will not be squandered.

BC: Famously, your Republican opponent has cited The Bible as sufficient evidence to counter climate change research. He has used Christianity to justify lax regulations on environmentally destructive industries. As a Congressman, what steps will you take to ensure that our nation’s precious ecosystems are protected and preserved for generations to come?

Carl Spoerer: I never question a person’s faith. God Bless the world. When it comes to policy, science dictates truth and action. I sometimes wonder how my opponent can stomach getting in airplanes, traveling across bridges, driving a car, or taking a shower with such rejection of basic science. I will fit the facts science presents into the needs and desires of the people and vote accordingly.

BC: Illinois is well-known for its extensive use of nuclear energy. As a Congressman, what policies will you advocate for regarding nuclear energy?

Carl Spoerer: Our means of producing energy will be with us for some time. Producing and using renewables will sweep Illinois forward and create the jobs we need in the 15th. The US has had a long track record of generating safe nuclear energy with few exceptions. We need to solve the waste issue quickly so that is job number one. Over time, renewables will produce all the energy we need at lower costs and without impact on the environment. That process will play out over time as we move forward. There are a lot of nuclear energy jobs in the southern part of the state that we must be mindful of and the transition should not be rushed unnaturally.

BC: Possibly the most debated issue currently in politics is healthcare. Your opponent came under fire for his support of the unpopular AHCA bill which would harm many of his constituents, especially the poor and the elderly. What types of policies would you advocate for in order to ensure your constituents get the healthcare they deserve?

Carl Spoerer: Look, the ACA needs to be fixed. Then again, what massive undertaking is perfect out of the gate. The current administration is undermining it, and that must stop as the ACA is currently the law of the land. Offering a Medicare-like program for lower age groups needs a serious look. Private insurance for those that can afford it and want a higher level of service seems to be a natural step as well. Although it may not be a perfect fit in the US there are elements of the Australian two tiered system (government and private) we may wish to consider.

BC: Our nation’s obesity epidemic is harming our society’s health, productivity, and economy, costing us hundreds of billions of dollars each year. If elected, what will you do to improve the nutritional health of our citizens?

Carl Spoerer: You can not force people to change their habits. This will take education from a young age. Nutrition should be taught in K thru 12. The current administration repealing school nutrition standards was the wrong path. Beyond all that, eating healthy can often be expensive. We need to have a living wage so families can afford to upgrade to much healthier alternatives.

BC: If someone wishes to be a part of the “Carl 2018” campaign, what should they do to help? And how can they stay up to date on campaign events?

Cal Spoerer: Great question; I am just one person and it takes thousands to make the change we seek. We are a team and everyone has a role. Running a grassroot campaign takes grassroots donations.

You can donate at the link below.

We are in the process of a major upgrade to our website where all of our policy positions, events, and my blog links will be posted. For now, people that want to get involved to help me flip the 15th District can sign up here.

BC: Thank you very much, Mr. Spoerer, for the fantastic interview. I wish you the best of luck in your campaign! If any readers would like to keep an eye on the goings-on of the Illinois 15th District, you can follow “Carl 2018” and “Unseat John Shimkus” on Facebook. Additionally, you can share and recommend this interview to allow more people to see it. Thank you for reading!

-Ben Chapman, July 2017



Ben Chapman

I write about politics, food, and the environment. Email me at