Donna Sherman (Map Curator)

Donna Sherman
Special Collections
Aug 20, 2020
Photograph of the map curator in a field, unfolding an Ordnance Survey map
Donna Sherman, University of Manchester Map Librarian — in the field

My name is Donna Sherman and I am a Special Collections Librarian responsible for curating the map collections at the University of Manchester Library. I have worked with the collection for twelve years and I have an undergraduate degree in Visual Arts and Culture (Salford University) and Masters in Librarianship (Manchester Metropolitan University).

I am a member of the Map Curators Group of The British Cartographic Society and represent university map collections on the British and Irish Committee for Map Information and Cataloguing Systems (BRICMICS). I am also a member of the University of Manchester’s MCGIS research group (mapping: culture and geographical information science).

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Donna Sherman
Special Collections

Special Collections Librarian (Map Collections), University of Manchester Library. Interested in helping people to engage with maps and special collections.