My Autistic Son Is the Most Social Person I Know

Despite what the ASD diagnosis might suggest

Dani Mini
Special Nation


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One thing I hate about my son Diego’s autism diagnosis is that it suggests he’s not social. This implication is to be expected, of course, seeing as the diagnosis requires “Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts.” (from DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Merriem-Webster defines deficit as “a lack or impairment in an ability or functional capacity.”

In Diego’s case the term “deficit” is widely off the mark. Diego most definitely does not lack social capacity or ability. On the contrary, he’s even more social than your average human. It’s just that his social ways deviate widely from the norm.

Once, we were waiting to cross the street and Diego initiated this nice little exchange with a man and his young son.

“Hi! What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Are you staying here or are you traveling?”

“We’re just staying here,” the man replied.

“I’m Diego, I was born in 1994. When was your son born? In 2008?”

“No, not 2008. Henry was born in 2016.”



Dani Mini
Special Nation

Dani is a special education advocate and writer of anything worth pondering, from autism to Botox.