On becoming a B Corp

Joana Mendes
Special Projects
2 min readDec 5, 2023


Achieving B Corp certification is a huge milestone for our team. As an innovation studio, so much of our work is confidential and by becoming a B Corp we can better demonstrate, and officially communicate, the initiatives and processes that underline our work and which guide our company culture and our values of relevance, empathy, magic, clarity and optimism.

We have formalised and improved our staff policies and benefits, ensuring their accessibility and clarity. We have also reflected on our choices related to materials usage and our environmental impact, positively influencing our studio environment, and implementing diversity policies and support for individuals with specific needs.

As a studio that specialises in human-centred design and planet-centred design, we’ve always been mindful of our impact, using what is readily available rather than creating something new. That’s why we often recommend to clients that they implement a software update rather than investing in new hardware (like our project Moving Buttons, or don’t create anything new at all!). In our collaborations with companies like Google, Sonos, and Lego, our focus has been on reducing technological consumption and promoting better digital behaviour.

Over the years we have done everything from develop a product development strategy for MAWO, a sustainable fashion brand; leverage our creativity and the power of storytelling for a pro bono project with Hoxton Street Monster Supplies, and work with Buffalo Grid, a company dedicated to developing solar-powered mobile phone charging technology for rural areas in India and Africa.

Becoming a B Corp has also provided valuable insights for benchmarking our practices which has led to several meaningful changes within our business. We have implemented measures such as prioritising train travel whenever possible and including carbon offset clauses in our contracts when flying is necessary. By formalising our policies, our team has become more proactive in adhering to them.

The B Corp certification has emphasised the ongoing nature of sustainability efforts and the need for continuous improvement. It is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing process of learning and refining. It has allowed us to infuse sustainability with an element of fun and convenience, reflecting on what truly matters to us and setting an example for our community.

Originally published in specialprojects.studio

