B2B Content Marketing: How To Generate Revenue From Your Writing

Andrew Holliday
Special Sauce
Published in
5 min readOct 26, 2020


Photo by Firza Pratama on Unsplash

You aren’t spending hours on quality blog posts and Medium articles for passion alone. Whether it’s attracting people to your product, racking up dollars on Medium, or selling your services, there’s something in it for you.

Don’t be ashamed of your agenda. We all have one. If you don’t, you need to get one.

Putting out helpful articles is how I grow my business. Even with a small (yet growing) audience, I consistently draw new client inquiries and email subscribers from my content marketing efforts.

That’s the thing though, even if we all have an agenda, the secret to better articles is your reader not sensing you’re pushing one. Think of it like writing purely for SEO. It’s painfully obvious (and painful to read) if you’re chasing keywords at the expense of true value for the reader.

Here’s a simple checklist for putting out helpful b2b articles that push your agenda without coming across like sales collateral. Ask yourself these three questions before hitting publish on your next post.

Question 1: Does this solve a problem?

Help the people you want to buy from you. Share your expertise, earn their trust, and get them into your community. Focus your writing on solving problems for…

