This 30 Minute Marketing Plan Works For Any Business

Andrew Holliday
Special Sauce
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2021


Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash

Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota, invented a technique called the 5 Whys to quickly get to the root of a problem. He came up with this brilliantly simple framework back in the ’30s, but it exploded onto the scene in the ’70s. Thousands of businesses around the world, including Toyota, still use the 5 Whys to this day.

Marketing is solving problems, so it’s not surprising you can use a similar approach to build a marketing plan. This nifty little trick will get to the root of what your company needs to grow—fast. I call this system the How Funnel. Unlike most marketing plan frameworks, the How Funnel is simple. The simplicity is why it works so well.

How Funnel — Marketing Plan Framework

Let’s use our Special Sauce How Funnel as an illustration of this framework in action. Everything starts with a clear and measurable business goal. Our business goal is to add an additional $120K of MRR (monthly recurring revenue) by March 2023. This goal isn’t vague or questionable. Everyone on our team can easily understand the destination we’re working toward.

With our goal in hand, the process is straightforward. We just start asking how…

How do we add $120K of MRR by March 2023?

