Call for Submissions

evelyn out
Special Snowflake
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2015


Do you have a story?

Special Snowflake is the zine for your needs.

Focused on showcasing minority voices and viewpoints off the beaten path, Special Snowflake’s a queer, feminist-centric, colouraware publication for youth and by youth.

We at Special Snowflake would like to extend a public call for submissions from queer, minority, adjacent, or other nice youth. If you fit into one of these categories, then feel free to pitch or send a piece to evelynsoutput (at) gmail (dot) com.

We will welcome anything: short stories, poems, essays, histories, creative non-fiction, comics, photo essays, news articles, a song remixed from only wolf howls at the full moon, details off a forgery of Frida Kahlo, the language you and your best friend invented at a sleepover. When we say anything, we mean anything.

At this time, Special Snowflake is not run for profit (or, indeed, anything else). Due to this, we cannot compensate you for your work. However, if a piece you contributed was ever included in a for-profit compilation, we would credit you and negotiate with you to find an appropriate compensation. If this cannot be found, we would not include your piece in the compilation.

Feel free to peruse the small collection of stories we have, and to decide whether you feel your piece would fit in with our publication. Thank you for reading, and thank you even more if you submit to us.

