Business data induction 2022–09–28

Study the performance of a UK and a US company in Fame, Orbis and Eikon

Library for Educators
Specialist Library Support
2 min readSep 28, 2022


This week: look at Fame, Orbis and Eikon

This session we looked at a database provider in their own company database and in a competitor’s to see how they have been performing in recent years, what evidence or events may explain our findings, and a little about their outlook.

We searched for Bureau van Dijk in Fame (as a UK company), and noticed its Global Ultimate Owner (GUO) is Moody’s Corporation (in the US) so searched for Moody’s in Orbis. We also looked up Moody’s in Refinitiv Eikon for relevant market information and news.

  • We looked at these features in Fame and Orbis: Ownership structure, headline and detailed financial statements (also called fundamentals), graph of value over time for one financial data item, mergers & acquisitions.
  • We looked at these features in Eikon: Company overview, news and significant developments, price charts (this security verses peers and the market), financial statements, company research.

We observed that Moody’s has been growing in recent years though its market capitalisation may be falling. We hypothesised that its expansion into new markets in Africa may not have provided the expected earnings yet. We would have to study further by reading investor reports.

Recap of last session: preparing to deliver Bloomberg training

  • We delivered the Bloomberg workshop pilot and made some updates, particularly, a change in which companies are currently active in the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 indices. (We replaced Debenhams with JD Sports, for example.) We established that leaners working in pairs was particularly effective.
  • We planned who will be delivering the upcoming workshops for Bloomberg and WRDS.
  • We planned who will be creating our upcoming online resource for screening companies in Bloomberg.



Library for Educators
Specialist Library Support

Sharing resources for educators, from The University of Manchester Library