Getting started with EndNote X9 desktop

Specialist Library Support
Specialist Library Support
3 min readAug 5, 2019

Please note this is an old version of EndNote and as such this resource is no longer being updated. Please see the Library website for new resources and EndNote download information:

Photo by Susan Yin on Unsplash


Reference management tools enable you to collect, store, organise and format your references in one place. They allow you to produce bibliographies easily, in a variety of referencing styles. In this post we will explore one of the main reference management tools, EndNote.

The University of Manchester has a site licence for EndNote desktop which is installed on all campus PC clusters. EndNote desktop can also be used in conjunction with EndNote online which is a free web based version.

Tip: If you are unfamiliar with referencing or what you should reference, you may find it useful to complete ‘Citing it right: introducing referencing’ before reading this post.

In this post we focus on getting started with EndNote desktop reference management software including:

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Installing EndNote desktop

EndNote Desktop software is now available to Staff and Students of the University of Manchester to download from the University’s Electronic Software Delivery System (ESD). This software is not only for installation on University owned machines but also extends to personally owned devices of staff and students for free. If you have any issues with software installation please contact IT services.

To install EndNote on your own machine go to the University’s Electronic Software Delivery System and sign in with your University credentials. Then search the A-Z list for the EndNote. If you experience any problems try again using Internet Explorer as your browser.

Please note EndNote is already installed on campus PC clusters.

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Registering for EndNote online

Once you have EndNote installed you will need to register for an account. This will enable you to use EndNote seamlessly online and across various machines. Watch the video below for instructions on how to register:

In this video you will learn how to register form an EndNote account via the Web of Science database.

Tip: If your using a combination of EndNote desktop and online you will need to keep both versions in sync. So its best to register with your University email address via the Web of Science (WoS) database. This will give you access to additional features, such as more referencing styles including Harvard and MHRA Manchester but also extra storage space.

You must login to WoS annually in order to renew your University association and continue to receive these additional features.

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Creating your EndNote library

Once you are registered you will need to set a library to gather, store and organise your references. It’s recommended that you only create one library as it is easier to keep track of your references in one library instead of multiple libraries. To organise your library you can use the groups & smart groups options. Watch the video below to find out how to create a library:

In this video you will how to create a new library in EndNote desktop.


In this post we have covered all the essentials for getting started with EndNote desktop. Further support for referencing and EndNote can be found below.

