How to save your search in Ovid

In this post we will explore how you can create an Ovid account, save your search strategy and find your saved searches in Ovid

Specialist Library Support
Specialist Library Support
4 min readJun 15, 2020


Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating an Ovid account
  3. How to save a search strategy on the Ovid platform
  4. Finding saved searches on Ovid
  5. Summary
  6. Further support

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You may wish to save a search strategy and re-run it at a later date either in the same Ovid database or another Ovid database. When you create an account on the Ovid platform you can use that same account to save searches on all the Ovid products.

Tip: It is important to note that you are saving the search strategy, not the exact set of results you have found that day.

The databases are regularly updated and therefore any new records that are relevant to your search criteria will be included in the results when you re-run your search. The numbers usually only increase subtly. The only time the number of results may decrease is if you have included a search limit such as “Last 5 Years” and a new year has begun when you re-run your search.

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Creating an Ovid account

  1. To create an Ovid account click on the ‘My Account’ link at the top of the opening search screen.
Screenshot of Ovid database —creating an Ovid account

2. Click on the ‘Create Account’ link and complete the form. When you have created your account you will be able to save your searches.

Screenshot of Ovid database — creating an Ovid account

Tip: Please Note — it is important to keep a record of your username and password. The Library will not be able to retrieve this for you if you forget it.

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How to save a search strategy on the Ovid platform

  1. Return to the Ovid search screen and make sure you have logged into your account. Your account name should then appear at the top of the search screen.
Screenshot of Ovid database — login to your account

2. Conduct a search then click ‘Save All’.

Screenshot of Ovid database — saving your search

3. Give your search a name, include the database name if desired. Leave the search set as ‘Permanent’ or change to ‘AutoAlert’ if desired, then select save.

Screenshot of Ovid database — save all searches

If you select ‘AutoAlert’ you can choose to receive notifications when any new articles are published that are relevant to your search. You can choose to be updated when the database is updated, on a quarterly basis and on a monthly or daily basis.

Screenshot of Ovid database — Auto Alert options

Tip: Please note — If you choose ‘My Projects’ this will not allow you to re-run your search.

The search will display with your chosen search name.

Screenshot of Ovid database — saved search name

Tip: Please note — It is important to remember that if you make further changes to your search and you wish to save them, you must click on ‘Save All’ again otherwise subsequent changes will be lost if you close the database down.

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Finding saved searches on Ovid

  1. Open the Ovid database and go to ‘My account’ and login to your Ovid account.
  2. Go to ‘My Workspace’.
Screenshot of Ovid database — logging on to My account and My Workspace.

3. Then select ‘My Searches & Alerts’.

Screenshot of Ovid database — showing My searches and alerts.

4. Select the search you want to re-run.

Screenshot of Ovid database — selecting which search to run.

5. Click on ‘Run’ (top or bottom of screen).

Screenshot of Ovid database — running your search.

Tip: Please note if you are new to searching there may be a collection of “expert searches” on the screen ignore these, your searches should be above them.

Your search should display on the Main Search page.

Screenshot of Ovid database — showing the list of saved searches.

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In this post we have looked at creating a Ovid account, saving your search strategy and finding your saved searches in Ovid.

You can find further support for advanced searching and systematic reviews at the end of this post.

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