Guest Submission: A Letter to Tom Segura

Dan Bellows
The Playbook
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2018

I am the mother of a sweet little boy with Down syndrome. Most days I’m just like any other Mom, busy with school, work, doctor appointments, the occasional birthday party and catching up on social media.

But last week there was one story in particular that caught my attention and that was the one about the comedian, Tom Segura. Mr. Segura has a show currently on Netflix called “Disgraceful” and the name couldn’t be anymore fitting. Not only did he use the “R” Word, retarded, in his show but then went on to say “your idea has an extra chromosome.” For those of you who maybe aren’t aware, that’s a direct jab at people with Down syndrome because it’s the extra chromosome that causes the genetic disorder. Talk about feeling like you were just punched twice really hard!

And to make matters worse many of his fans went on to defend him saying it was just a joke or it wasn’t directly about your kid.

Look, I’ve been thinking about this for days and I’ve had this argument with people in the past and I want Tom Segura and his fans to know something that they clearly don’t understand. When you choose to use that word, it is about my kid because that word has a direct correlation to those individuals with intellectual disabilities (that’s what we prefer you call it now a days). I want you to think about what you would consider the worst and most vile racial slur. Do you have it in your head? OK well now image that someone just called your child that and how you would feel…that’s exactly how we feel.

My child and other children like him are not a joke and to go after those who in many cases can’t defend themselves…well that’s just a blatant case of bullying. And myself and other parents will continue to advocate for our kids and not back down.

So I’m asking you Mr. Segura from one parent to another. Do the right thing and take advantage of this opportunity to show the world that although you were wrong, you learned something new.

Also, going forward will you please apologize and stand up for those with Down syndrome and eradicate the “R” word from your vocabulary and your shows.

Brooke Daly

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Dan Bellows
The Playbook

Writer and editor for Special Olympics: ouR Word Blog