Special Olympics is Home

Special Olympics
The Playbook
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2011

This guest blog post is from Katie Hrenchir. Katie’s brother Tanner was born with Down Syndrome. As a sibling she knows first-hand about Tanner’s struggles but she has also seen him flourish. Katie says “the Hrenchir Family will always call Special Olympics Missouri home” and she now has a “dream job” at Special Olympics Missouri planning and coordinating sporting events for her brother and other athletes.

My special brother, Tanner, was born with Down Syndrome 29 years ago. When my parents held their baby boy for the first time they knew he was different, but they loved him all the same. They still had the same dreams for him and couldn’t wait to share this bundle of joy with their friends and family. That is when their dreams seemed unravel.

Back then, doctors did not know as much as they do now about Down Syndrome. It was still a very foreign disability to most. The doctors told them everything he would NOT be able to do in life. They told them he probably wouldn’t walk or talk. They told them “Don’t expect much out of him.” That line hurts the most. That line seems as if they were treating my older brother as a thing, not as a person. Then they stated that he would be better off in an institution. My wonderful parents full of faith and expectations for Tanner, did not listen.

They were very scared, angry, and sad at first. They had nowhere to turn. The doctors/hospital gave them no advice or any places to turn to for support. They knew they would have to do this on their own. They turned to family and friends who immediately accepted Tanner.

When he was old enough my parents found therapy and speech classes to enroll Tanner in. He started growing and succeeding! Then at age 10, my parents enrolled Tanner into Special Olympics Missouri. Our lives have NEVER been the same. Since Tanner’s first ever bowling practice, to the 2010 National Games, to the present…the Hrenchir Family will always call Special Olympics Missouri home.

Special Olympics Missouri has given my brother so much. This program has given him hope, happiness, joy, confidence, determination, and most importantly…acceptance. This program has shown Tanner that ANYTHING is possible. It has shown him that dreams really do come true. Through this program Tanner has traveled, Tanner has competed, and Tanner has gained lifelong friends.

In school, it wasn’t always easy for Tanner or me growing up. Having a sibling with special needs can be very hard. It is something very hard to explain to others. Back then I didn’t always have the support I needed as his younger sister and people with intellectual disabilities were still trying to be accepted in this society. I was always looking out for Tanner and felt as if I had to protect him all the time. There were some peers that were very fond of Tanner. Of course there will always be bullies in every school, and we had our fair share of those experiences.

The great thing about Special Olympics is that Tanner is always accepted by everyone. There is no bullying. When Tanner enters a gym for practice or a field for a flag football tournament he knows he is HOME. He knows everyone there is his friend, he knows they will all be on his side, he knows they will all include and accept him.

Special Olympics has not only helped Tanner, it has helped our whole family. Seeing Tanner in his daily struggles and witnessing people bully him was so hard to endure. Through Special Olympics my family has found happiness and so much joy. We were given a program that Tanner could succeed in. We were given a program where we could watch Tanner grow and be happy. That is all we could ask for. Our family has met other families who have gone through the same struggles. It has been so nice to be able to network and communicate with other families who share our joy, pain, successes, and struggles. Together the families of Special Olympics Missouri have a bond that can’t be explained. We can relate to each other. We can see that this program has worked wonders in our loved ones lives and our lives as well.

For anyone who donates their time and money to our special program please know that you are making a difference in so many lives. Not just the lives of our athletes, but their families and friends as well. Special Olympics has a snow ball effect. If you help out once you have touched many lives, which in return touches more lives when you aren’t even looking. As a sibling of a Special Olympics Missouri athlete I can say that anyone who volunteers at our events and gives Tanner a high five or a “good job” touches my heart as well.

Special Olympics Missouri is a life changing program, and the Hrenchir family is proof of that.



Special Olympics
The Playbook

Using the power of sports as our driver, we are a global social movement dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities.